In the digital age, the ability to download files from the internet directly to your computer without the need for a web browser is a powerful skill. One of the most versatile tools for this task is Curl, a command-line utility that allows you to fetch a given URL. Whether you’re aiming to save a web file locally or pipe it directly into another program, curl is your go-to solution.


Introduction to curl

curl stands for “Client URL” and is a software project providing a library and command-line tool for transferring data using various protocols. Its simplicity and power make it a favorite amongst developers and system administrators.

Basic Usage of curl

The fundamental usage of curl is straightforward. The syntax for downloading a file is:

curl http://some.url --output some.file

In this command, http://some.url is the URL of the file you want to download, and some.file is the name you wish to give the downloaded file. The --output flag specifies the output filename.


Let’s download the homepage of

curl --output homepage.html

Executing the above command downloads the HTML content of and saves it as homepage.html on your local machine. You can verify the presence and content of the downloaded file using the ls and cat commands, respectively.

Making curl Silent

To align with the Unix Philosophy’s Rule of Silence, which suggests minimizing unnecessary output, curl offers a silent mode. Activated by the -s or --silent flags, this mode suppresses progress meters and error messages, providing a cleaner output.

curl --silent --output homepage.html

Understanding curl’s Progress Indicator

The curl progress bar is a feature that provides real-time feedback during file downloads. It’s especially useful for monitoring the progress of large downloads, ensuring users are informed about the status of their operation. By default, this progress meter appears in the terminal, but it can be silenced with the -s or --silent option for a cleaner output.

# Command
curl -o out.csv

# Output
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 5296k  100 5296k    0     0  2264k      0  0:00:02  0:00:02 --:--:-- 2264k

It displays download progress, including percentage completed, speed, time elapsed, and remaining. It offers a quick glance at download status, enhancing user experience for large or slow downloads.

Advanced Features and Options

curl’s real power lies in its extensive set of options that cater to various needs and scenarios.

1. Shortened Options

Many curl options have shortened aliases. For example, --output can be abbreviated to -o, and --silent to -s. However, attention must be paid to the syntax; incorrect usage of hyphens or option placement can lead to errors or unintended behavior.

# Download a file with silent mode and output specified
curl -s -o homepage.html
curl -s -o homepage.html

# Examples of incorrect options
curl -o homepage.html -silent  # Incorrect
curl --o homepage.html --s    # Incorrect

2. The Importance of Option Order

Generally, the order of options in a curl command doesn’t matter, and the URL can be placed anywhere in the command. However, understanding how to properly sequence options and arguments is crucial to avoid confusion or errors.

Example of correct usage:

curl -s -o homepage.html

3. Standard Output and Connecting Programs

curl can be used in conjunction with other command-line tools using pipes. For example, to count the lines of HTML from a webpage:

curl -s | wc -l

This command uses curl in silent mode to fetch the content of and pipes it to wc -l, counting the lines in the output.

4. Handling Errors and Redirects

curl can handle server responses, including errors and redirects, with options like -f for failing silently on HTTP errors, or -L to follow redirects. These functionalities are crucial for scripting and automation tasks.

# Fail silently on HTTP errors
curl -f -o homepage.html

# Follow redirects
curl -L -o homepage.html

5. Downloading Multiple Files

curl can download multiple files in a single command using curly braces {} syntax or by specifying multiple URLs separated by spaces, allowing for efficient batch downloads.

# Download multiple files using curly braces
curl -o "file_#1.txt"{one,two,three}.txt

# Download multiple files by specifying multiple URLs
curl -o file1.txt -o file2.txt

6. Advanced Data Manipulation

Beyond basic file downloads, curl can send data, including form submissions and custom headers, making it invaluable for testing and interacting with web applications and APIs.

# Sending data with POST request
curl -d "param1=value1&param2=value2" -X POST

# Setting custom headers
curl -H "X-Custom-Header: value"

7. Secure File Transfers

For secure transfers, curl supports HTTPS, offering options to specify certificates, keys, and other SSL/TLS parameters. This ensures data integrity and confidentiality in sensitive operations.

# Using a client certificate
curl --cert /path/to/cert.pem --key /path/to/key.pem

# Ignoring SSL certificate validation (not recommended for production)
curl -k

8. Automating and Scripting with curl

curl’s versatility makes it ideal for scripting and automation. Whether you’re automating backups, monitoring websites, or integrating with CI/CD pipelines, curl provides the flexibility and power to streamline workflows.

# Check if a website is up by fetching the HTTP header (HEAD request)
curl -I -s | head -n 1

# Downloading a file and checking its MD5 checksum
curl -s -o file.tar.gz && md5sum file.tar.gz

9. Optimizing Downloads

For large files, using the -C - option resumes interrupted downloads, saving time and bandwidth. Additionally, exploring parallel downloads with tools like xargs can significantly speed up the downloading of multiple files.

# Resume a previously interrupted download
curl -C - -O

10. Debugging and Analysis

curl offers verbose output (-v) and the ability to save request and response headers, facilitating debugging and analysis of web interactions.

# Verbose output to see request/response details
curl -v

# Saving response headers to a file
curl -D headers.txt

These examples illustrate just a fraction of what curl is capable of. By exploring its documentation and experimenting with its options, you can leverage curl to its full potential in your workflows.


curl is much more than just a file downloading tool; it’s a comprehensive utility for web communication, offering a wide range of functionalities from simple downloads to complex data interactions. By mastering curl, you unlock a powerful suite of capabilities that enhance your command-line proficiency, streamline your workflows, and enable sophisticated web operations. Whether you’re a developer, a system administrator, or a power user, curl is an indispensable tool in your digital toolkit.



    • Use -o with curl command to save file in other directory. Like:

      curl -o /tmp/ 
  1. Hi ,
    /usr/bin/curl”,”-k”,”-u”,userName+”:”+password,”\””+hostIP+”\””,”-o” ,csvDownloadPath+”ggggg.csv”

    I am using this command , where i am doing wrong, we are not getting any error in logs, running this command in java ,on linux server.

    • try{
      ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(“/usr/bin/curl”,”-k”,”-u”,userName+”:”+password,”\””+hostIP+”\””,”-o” ,csvDownloadPath+”ggggg.csv”);
      Process p = pb.start();
      InputStream is = p.getInputStream();
      System.out.println(“command running “);
      catch(Exception e){
      System.out.println(“command running through “);

      Actually running this…
      plz guide me , Thanks In advance

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