echo <password> | passwd –stdin <username>
Use the following command to change password of user jack in a shell script. For example we are using string password as password.
echo "password" | passwd --stdin jack
Assigning User Input Password:
Use the following commands to input password from user and assign to user jack.
read -p "Enter Password for User jack: " pwd echo $pwd | passwd --stdin jack
Also we can prompt password twice from user to make confirmation that user has memorize it correctly. Use the following commands to input password twic from user and assign to user jack.
while : do read -p "Enter Password for User jack: " pwd1 read -p "Confirm Password for User jack: " pwd2 if [ "$pwd1" == "$pwd2" ] then break else echo "Password and Confirm password doesn't match...." fi done echo $pwd1 | passwd --stdin jack