Author: Rahul

I, Rahul Kumar am the founder and chief editor of I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT professional since 2009..

Over time, your Laravel project may accumulate a host of packages installed via Composer that are no longer needed. As part of maintaining a clean and efficient codebase, it is essential to know how to remove these unnecessary packages. This article provides a detailed guide on how to accomplish this task. What is Laravel? Before we delve into the intricacies of package removal, let’s quickly refresh our understanding of Laravel. Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which aids in the development of web applications following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It offers a clean and elegant syntax and is packed…

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Cron jobs are invaluable tools in Unix-like operating systems that allow system administrators and users to schedule specific tasks at predefined times. However, without proper management, they can unintentionally cause clutter in the root directory. This article aims to explore best practices to prevent cron jobs from writing files to the root directory and maintain a cleaner, more organized system. Understanding Cron Jobs Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like operating systems. Users can schedule jobs (scripts or commands) to run at specific times, interval or on specific days. These scheduled tasks are known as cron jobs. A cron…

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The collation utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci is a character set collation for MySQL databases, introduced in MySQL 8.0.1. It is based on the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) 9.0.0, and the character set is utf8mb4, which supports a wide range of Unicode characters. The “ai” in the collation name stands for “accent insensitive” and the “ci” stands for “case insensitive.” This means that comparisons between characters are done without considering differences in case or accents. If you are receiving an “Unknown collation” error, it may be because your MySQL server version is older than 8.0.1 and doesn’t support this collation. To fix this issue,…

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Gulp is an open-source JavaScript toolkit developed by by Eric Schoffstall helps developers to automate & enhance there workflow. It is a good command-line task runner for Node.js applications. Gulp let us automate processes and run repetitive tasks with ease. It provides a feature of piping output from one task as an input to the next. This tutorial describes you to how to install Gulp on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Linux systems. Step 1 – Installing Node.js First of all, you need to install node.js on your system. Use following set of commands to add node.js PPA in your Ubuntu system…

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Puppet is an popular infrastructure management tool. With the help of Puppet server, you can easily manage a large number of servers from a master server. Puppet server node is responsible for managing multiple client node. Its necessary that all the client nodes must of Puppet Agent server installed and running. Our previous tutorial describes you to configure Puppet master node on a Ubuntu 20.04 system along with client node. If you need to add more client server to existing Puppet network, just install the Agent server on the server. This tutorial describes you step-by-step setup to install Puppet Agent…

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Puppet is an open-source, automation admin engine used to perform administrative tasks and server management remotely. This tool is available on Linux, Unix, and Windows. This configuration management tool will help you automate the management and configuration of your server infrastructure. After following this tutorial, you should have fully set up Puppet master and client nodes on your Ubuntu systems. This tutorial help you to install and configure Puppet master and agent nodes on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux systems. Prerequisites You must have: Two or more running Ubuntu 20.04 systems, one for master and other clients. Shell access to all systems…

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The APT (Advanced Package Tool) is a powerful package management tool for Debian based systems. It provides powerful command-line tool like “apt” or “apt-get”. Which is used to install, upgrade or remove a software package on your Debian system. In this tutorial, you will learn to how to uninstall or remove packages from a Ubuntu or Debian Linux system. How to Remove Packages via Command Line You can use “apt” command line tool for removing packages from your system. For older version of operating systems use “apt-get” command with the same options. Use one of the below options to remove,…

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The netstat command generates displays that show network status and protocol statistics. It is a cross-platform utility available for Linux, macOS, or Windows systems. Which is very helpful troubleshooting the network configuration and issues. Identifying the application using ports on a system. The latest Linux operating systems have default installed this tool. But some of the minimal installation may not contain this tool in your system. In that case, this tutorial will help you to install netstat command on Linux system. How to Install netstat Command in Linux Generally the net-tools package provides the netstat command for most of the…

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Systemd is a software application that provides an array of system components for Linux operating systems. It is the first service to initialize the boot sequence. This always runs with PID 1. This also helps us to manage system and application services on our Linux operating system. We can also run any custom script as systemd service. It helps the script to start on system boot. This can be helpful for you to run any script which required to run at boot time only or to run always. In our previous tutorial we have provides you instructions to run a…

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This tutorial will help you to remove the start and ending double quotes from strings in a shell script. Where the string is stored in a variable. Remove Double Quote from a String The sed command line utility helps to easily handle this. A single-line sed command can remove quotes from the start and end of the string. sed -e ‘s/^”//’ -e ‘s/”$//’

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