Author: Rahul

I, Rahul Kumar am the founder and chief editor of I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT professional since 2009..

JSON, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation, is a way computers use to share and store information that’s easy for people to read and write. Even though it’s simple and useful, JSON doesn’t let you add comments directly in the data, which can make it hard for people working together to understand what each part of the data is supposed to do. In this article, we’re going to talk about how you can add notes and explanations to your JSON files in different ways, so your projects can be clearer and everyone can work better together. Understanding the JSON Format…

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This tutorial will help you to find files created or modified before X days. Here X means any number (eg: 1,2 or 30). Using find command you can also search which is created or modified before X minutes. 1. Search files created/modified before 30 days Use this command to search all files created or modified before 30 days in /var/backup directory. Find provides the option -mtime to define number of days. find /var/backup -type f -mtime -30 You can also search file created before 30 minutes using -mmin optiopn. find /var/backup -type f -mmin -30 2. Search files with specific…

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PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API. This is helpful for testing webpages on the command line. This tutorial will help to install FantomJS on CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora systems. Essentially there is no installation required. You just need to download the static build of PhantomJS and configure on your system. Step 1 – Prerequsities First, of all, you need to install the required packages needed by PhantomJS to work correctly. RedHat 8 & Fedora Users sudo dnf install glibc fontconfig freetype freetype-devel fontconfig-devel wget bzip2 CentOS 7/6 Users: sudo yum install glibc fontconfig freetype freetype-devel fontconfig-devel…

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Ruby is a popular programming language among a large number of developers. Rails are the framework to run ruby language. Ruby language was created by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto and first published in 1995. This article will help you to install ruby on rails on Debian Linux systems using RVM. RVM is the Ruby Version Manager helps for installing and managing Ruby language similar to NVM for Node.js. Step 1 – Prerequisites Login to your Debian system using GUI or use ssh for remote hosts. Then install some pre-required packages. sudo apt update sudo apt install curl gnupg2 Step 2 -…

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In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, Golang, or Go, has emerged as a powerful and efficient programming language favored for its simplicity and high performance. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, learning Go can significantly enhance your coding repertoire. This guide provides a comprehensive, step-by-step walkthrough for installing Golang on macOS. Tailored for both beginners and experienced users, this guide aims to simplify the installation process, ensuring you have Go up and running on your macOS system with ease. From downloading the latest version of Go to configuring your environment, each step is designed to make…

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Today, there are more than a few excellent code editors that developers can use to build and edit their code. For example, the cross-platform Visual Studio Code editor is a lightweight code editor that supports many different languages. Moreover, it has some neat features that help you quickly find and fix problems in your code. With a built-in debugger, GitHub integration, and IntelliSense code completion, Visual Studio Code is a powerful tool for web developers and other coders using macOS. Since it’s not available in the macOS App Store, you’ll need to install it manually. In this blog post, you…

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As today, Debian Buster is the latest release available for the Debian operating systems. Which is also known as Debian 10. The newer Debian release has MariaDB as default in their repositories. Now, this tutorial will help you to install MySQL 8 or MySQL 5.7 on Debian 10 (Buster) Linux systems. Step 1 – Prerequisites Login to your Debian 10 system using shell access. For remote systems connect with SSH. Windows users can use Putty or other alternatives applications for SSH connection. ssh root@debian10 Run below commands to upgrade the current packages to the latest version. sudo apt update sudo…

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PostgreSQL is an open-source object-relational database system. PostgreSQL 11 is the latest version available for the installation on Debian systems. It is one of the leading database server used for production servers. This tutorial will help you to install the PostgreSQL database server on Debian 10 Buster Linux systems. Installing pgAdmin4 on Debian 10 Step 1 – Setup PostgreSQL PPA First, you need to import PostgreSQL packages signing key on your system. Use the below command to import the key. wget -q -O – | sudo apt-key add – Now add PostgreSQL apt repository in your system as per…

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1. Overview Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful toolset that helps developers initialize, develop, scaffold, and maintain Angular applications. It provides a set of tools to create projects, generate application and library code, perform a variety of ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment. Installing and using Angular CLI on a Debian machine is a straightforward process but requires careful attention to detail, especially for new developers. This article provides step-by-step instructions to help you set up Angular on your Debian machine. 2. System Requirements Before installing Angular CLI, ensure your system meets the following requirements:…

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Node.js stores all the command line arguments in an array. The first element of an array is the node command (binary location) itself. The second element is the javascript file we refer to that often comes after the node command. After that, the arguments are stored in third, fourth and so on. To understand this create a sample Node.js script and execute script with some arguments. For example, assuming the following script for process-args.js:

Launching the Node.js process as: node process-args.js hello “Rahul Kumar” 123 Would generate the output: 0: /usr/local/bin/node 1: /home/rahul/process-args.js 2: hello 3: Rahul Kumar 4:…

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