Author: Rahul

I, Rahul Kumar am the founder and chief editor of I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT professional since 2009..

Question – How to Append an Item to Array in JavaScript. How do I append any element to end of the existing Array in JavaScript? How to push element to array in JavaScript? This tutorial uses javascript push() function to insert or append a new element to end of the Array. JavaScript – Append Element to Array The following example creates an initial array with two elements (as “black”,”blue”). After that use javascript push() function to append new element (“white”) to the array.

Output: [ ‘black’, ‘blue’, ‘white’ ]

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Question – How to Append an Item to Array in PHP. How do I append any element to end of the existing Array in PHP? How to push element to array in PHP? This tutorial uses array_push() function to insert or append a new element to end of the Array. PHP – Append Element to Array The following example creates an initial array with two elements (as “black”,”blue”). After that add use array_push() function to append new element “white” to the array.

Output: Array ( [0] => black [1] => blue [2] => white )

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This tutorial helps you to reset Gnome Desktop settings to its original state on an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Linux system. Login to your Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Desktop system and follow the instructions given below. After that reboot your system to complete the steps. Reset Gnome Desktop on Ubuntu 18.04 First, open the Tweaks settings on your system. To open tweak settings search for the string “Tweaks” or “GNOME Tweaks” on your system. You will see an option with the icon like below screenshot. Click the icon to launch settings. Open the drop-down of Tweaks menu at the top bar of…

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Question: How do I remove the last character from a string in JavaScript or Node.js script? This tutorial describes 2 methods to remove the last character from a string in JavaScript programming language. You can use any one of the following methods as per the requirements. Method 1 – Using substring() function Use the substring() function to remove the last character from a string in JavaScript. This function returns the part of the string between the start and end indexes, or to the end of the string. Syntax:


Method 2 – Using slice() function Use the slice()…

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Question – How do I remove last character from a string in PHP script? In this tutorial you will learned multiple methods to remove last character from a string using php. This tutorial describes 4 methods to remove last character from a string in PHP programming language. You can use any one of the following methods as per the requirements. Don’t Miss – Check If String Contains a Sub String in PHP Method 1 – Using substr_replace function You can use the PHP substr_replace() function to remove the last character from a string in PHP. Syntax:



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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on installing Node.js on LinuxMint. Node.js is a popular JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, enabling developers to build scalable network applications. This article is tailored for both beginners and experienced developers looking to set up Node.js on their LinuxMint environment. We will explore two primary methods to install Node.js: first, by using the official PPA (Personal Package Archive), and second, through the Node Version Manager (NVM), a versatile tool for managing multiple Node.js versions. Additionally, we will walk you through a practical example of creating a demo web server using Node.js, illustrating…

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Atom is a modern open source text or source code editor. It is hackable to the core – which means this tool can be customized to do anything. It is available for OS X, Linux, and Windows systems. This article will help you to install Atom Text Editor on Fedora Linux systems. You may also like other powerful text editors like Sublime and Visual Studio Code for your Fedora system. Atom Text Editor Installation Let’s download the Atom text editor RPM package file from its official website and install it on your system using the following commands. wget -O…

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SimpleXML is a PHP extension introduced with PHP 5. It allows users to easily handle XML data in PHP. SimpleXML converts any XML data to an object which can be easily processed with normal property selectors and array iterators. You must have installed php-simplexml extension on your system to use examples of this tutorial. A Sample XML File Here is a sample XML file used for this tutorial. The XML filename is employees.xml which you will see in further examples of this tutorial.

Read Specific XML Elements Use simplexml_load_file function to load external XML file in your PHP program…

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PhpMyAdmin is a popular web-based client for managing MySQL server. The phpMyAdmin is written in PHP programming language. It provides a user-friendly web interface to access and manage MySQL server and databases. It allows you to create a database and users and assign privileges to users. You can create tables in the database and also perform insert, update, and delete operations in table records. This article will help you with how to install phpMyAdmin on Fedora 34/33/32/31/30 systems. System Requirements Assuming you already have a LAMP (Apache, MySQL, and PHP) stack installed on your system. Here are the minimum requirements…

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MongoDB is a fully flexible index support and rich queries database. It is classified as a NoSQL database program, which uses JSON-like documents with optional schemas. Similar to the relational database system, the MongoDB database also supports joins in queries. MongoDB has released a new stable version 4.4 with lots of major enhancements. This tutorial will help you to install MongoDB 4.4 on Fedora Linux systems. Step 1 – Configure Repository The MongoDB official team provides an Yum repository for installing MongoDB on a Fedora system. Create a new configuration file with Mongodb yum repository. Edit a file in a…

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