A Query String is a part of url accessed through web browser. Using query string we passed the argument to web pages. Using this article we will help you to how to fetch values of query string using php script. Fetch Query String: We can fetch url Query String values from $_SERVER array like following example. <?php $qs = $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’]; ?> Parse Query String: Now we can parse the query string and store it to an array using parse_str function. <?php parse_str($qs, $qs_arr); print_r($qs_arr); ?>
Author: Rahul
CakePHP is a PHP framework for rapid development of web application. Recently CakePHP has released its latest version 3.8 with a variety of changes to improve speed and security. This article will help you to Setup CakePHP 3.8 (or latest version) on Ubuntu 18.04 & 16.04 LTS systems. Requirements:- PHP 5.6.0 or greater (including PHP 7.3). MySQL (5.5.3 or greater) PHP mbstring extension PHP intl extension Step 1 – Install LAMP Server You can skip this step for the system having LAMP setup already. If you don’t have LAMP installed on your system proceed with the following commands to Setup…
Today I have installed new WHM/cPanel server on an AWS instance. Generally AWS servers are used key based login for ssh users and users don’t have root password. So I have manually reset root password through command line. After installation of cPanel when I tried to login to WHM using web browser I got The login is invalid error even I was using correct login user and password. I tried the same thing by changing root password 3-4 times but still facing same issue. Error: The login is invalid After that I google about this issue and found few solutions…
Problem: ERROR: Site example.com does not exists! This error I have faced when created a new virtual host in Apache on my Ubuntu system. I create a virtual host configuration file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ directory with name example.com. Now I tried to enable the website using a2ensite command and faced the following issue. a2ensite example.com ERROR: Site example.com does not exists! Solution: The problem was that all virtual host configuration files must have .conf extension in their filename. So I simply renamed example.com with example.com.conf. cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ mv example.com example.com.conf and again tried to enable website using same command and this…
Indicator SysMonitor is a useful utility for displaying CPU and memory usage on the top bar. It also displays various temperature sensors on the bar. It also allows users to run there own commands the show the output on the topbar. Indicator SysMonitor can works with gnome-panel and Unity properly. Install Indicator SysMonitor Indicator SysteMonitor is bebing maintain by fossfreedom. Use following commands to install it on Ubuntu systems. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fossfreedom/indicator-sysmonitor sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install indicator-sysmonitor Start Indicator SysMonitor Open Ubuntu search box and start typing sys…, You will get search results like below. Now just click…
IIS (Internet Information Services) is the webserver for Windows systems created by Microsoft. This web server is most popular for hosting .net framework based websites. We can also host other programming languages websites by adding their modules and handlers. In our previous tutorial, you learned to create a Website, Application Pool, Virtual Directory and Binding via appcmd command-line utility. This article will help you in creating a new website in using IIS manager on a Windows system. Step 1 – Start IIS Use the windows navigation menu and open IIS on your system. Or you can directly open IIS by…
After waiting for a long time finally Debian has released new stable version 8 named Jessie. This version will support for 5 years. This version of Debian has included new init system systemd which has many advantages over old init system SysVinit What’s new in Debian 8 Jessie: Debian 8 Jessie has been shipped with most of latest packages for user and developers. Below is the list of few important updates available on Debian 8 Apache 2.4.10 GNOME Desktop Environment 3.14 GNU Compiler Collection 4.9.2 KDE Plasma Workspaces and KDE Applications 4.11.13 LibreOffice 4.3.3 Linux Kernel 3.16 OpenJDK 7u75 Perl…
Debian 8.0 “Jessie” has been released on April 25th, 2015. After a long wait of 2 years finally Debian Team has announced his new release 8 code name “Jessie”. If you are a user of Debian 7, this article will help your for upgrading your system to Debian 8 with simple steps. In this command all commands are running with root account. So before starting work login to your system as root account or use sudo with all commands. 1. Backup Your Data The first and very important thing is data. So we strongly recommend you to take backup any…
Ubuntu is a most popular Linux-based operating system. Recently Ubuntu releases its newest version 15.04 (Vivid Vervet). VirtualBox is also a popular software for creating virtual machine available for Windows and Linux environment. Download Ubuntu ISO: Visit following urls to dowload latest version of Ubuntu ISO. Ubuntu Desktop: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop Ubuntu Server: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server Download and Install VirtualBox We are assuming you have pre-installed VirtualBox on your system. If you don’t have already installed it, Visit below link and install latest version of VirtualBox on your system. https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Steps to Install Ubuntu On VirtualBox 1. Start VirtualBox and click New button to…
Postfix is fast and popular SMTP server widely used. The main job of Postfix is to relay mail locally or to an intended destination outside the network. Some of the most popular SMTP servers are Sendmail, Postfix, and Qmail. This article will help you to install Postfix on Ubuntu 18.10, 18.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, and 14.04 LTS systems. For this tutorial, we are using the FQDN as mail.tecadmin.net for configuring this host. Step 1 – Install Postfix Postfix packages are available under default repositories of Ubuntu operating systems. Simply use the following command to install Postfix SMTP server on your…