During the importing of the GnuPG key on our Debian system, we faced the following error. This is due to the minimal installation of our Debian servers. This tutorial will help you to fix “‘/usr/bin/dirmngr’: No such file or directory” error. This tutorial will help you to solve this on all Debian based Linux systems. sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 –recv 4B7C549A058F8B6B Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.1uzliCJjyg/gpg.1.sh –keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 –recv 4B7C549A058F8B6B gpg: failed to start the dirmngr ‘/usr/bin/dirmngr’: No such file or directory gpg: connecting dirmngr at ‘/run/user/0/gnupg/d.9awoasrggmw7i87e3cdkmbgp/S.dirmngr’ failed: No such file or directory gpg: keyserver receive failed: No dirmngr Solution You just…
Author: Rahul
With the increasing popularity of Linux desktops, There is another requirement occurred that we should have an application that can be used to run Windows applications. Windows has a long list of beautiful applications for users who are not available for Linux users. As we know that Linux does not support windows executables so WineHQ is a solution to run Windows applications and Linux systems. In this article, we have discussed two methods of Wine installation on RHEL-based Linux distributions. The first method will help you to install Wine 8.0 stable release by compiling from source code on RHEL-based systems.…
Zend Framework 3 is latest version available for creating applications. The latest version provides a faster application than previous versions. Zend is an open-source framework for developing web applications and services. It uses a 100% object-oriented code. This tutorial will help you to install Zend Framework on your Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) LTS systems. Prerequsities Shell access on Ubuntu 18.04 Sudo proviledged account access Step 1 – Install Apache & PHP The Zend Framework required PHP 5.6 or higher version to run. So make sure you have installed proper PHP version. To install PHP and Apache2 on Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic system…
In the realm of server security, especially for CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) systems, Fail2ban emerges as a crucial tool for defending against unauthorized access. This guide aims to provide a detailed tutorial on configuring Fail2ban in CentOS/RHEL environments, ensuring your systems are safeguarded against brute-force attacks and other common intrusion attempts. Understanding Fail2ban Fail2ban is an open-source intrusion prevention software framework that monitors server log files for patterns of abuse and, upon detection, imposes temporary bans on the source IP addresses. This effectively blocks potential attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in your system. Installation Steps Install EPEL Repository:…
MariaDB is an enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL database server. It is built by the original developers of MySQL server. MariaDB can be a better choice for database professionals looking for a robust, scalable, and reliable SQL server. MariaDB has a number of updated features over MySQL. This tutorial describe you to how to install MariaDB server on Debian 10 Linux system. Step 1 – Prerequsiteis You can find the MariaDB Apt configuration file from the official website. Import the package singin key for MaraiDB packages on your system. sudo apt update sudo aptinstall software-properties-common dirmngr sudo apt-key adv –recv-keys…
The Python team has released its latest version Python 3.8 for general use. You can download the latest stable version Python 3.8 series and install it on your system. This article will help you to install Python 3.8.12 on Ubuntu, Debian, and LinuxMint operating systems. You can visit here to read more about Python releases. Step 1 – Installing Prerequisite As you are going to install Python 3.8 from the source. You need to install some development libraries to compile Python source code. Use the following command to install prerequisites for Python: sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall sudo apt-get install…
Sometimes you may require to convert any string to lowercase (all letters). This tutorial will help to convert a string (any case) to lower case as shown in the below image. Convert String to Lower Case In the Python programming language you can use the lower() method to convert any string to lower case. Here is the sample Python code to convert string to lowercase.
1 2 | >>> s = "HeLLo Python" >>> print(s.lower()) |
Output hello python Suggested reading Some more examples of string conversions in Python. Convert String to Uppercase in Python Python Convert String to Lowercase
In the realm of Node.js application development, Yarn emerges as a sophisticated package management tool, offering a blend of speed, security, and reliability unparalleled by other Node.js package managers. This comprehensive tutorial is designed to guide you through various techniques for installing Yarn on Amazon Linux systems, ensuring you can leverage its full potential to manage your project’s dependencies efficiently. You can choose any one of the following methods to install Yarn on Amazon Linux 2 machine: Method 1: Installation of Yarn via NPM (Node Package Manager) Yarn is readily available for installation using NPM, a widely-used package manager in…
In the rapidly evolving landscape of web development, Node.js has emerged as a cornerstone technology, powering a wide array of applications with its efficient, event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. Amazon Linux 2, a highly performant and secure Linux environment provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), is a preferred choice for running server applications, including those built with Node.js. To install the specific Node.js version, Visit our tutorial Install Specific Node.Js Version with NVM. This guide aims to walk you through the process of installing the latest version of Node.js on Amazon Linux 2 using the Yum repository. Step 1: Configure Yum…
Some times we faced issues like “Too many open files” on a Linux system. It means our server has hit the max open file limit. This happens due to resource limits set by the system for any user or session. For example, the max size of files created, the maximum size that may be locked into memory, maximum CPU time used, the maximum number of processes allowed, the maximum size of virtual memory available. Basically there are two types of limits: A hard limit is the maximum allowed limit to a user or session, which is set by the superuser/root.…