Author: Rahul

I, Rahul Kumar am the founder and chief editor of I am a Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) and working as an IT professional since 2009..

Linux systems keep many logs to help monitor and troubleshoot the system. One important log directory is /var/log/journal, which can sometimes grow too large and use up valuable disk space. In this guide, we’ll show you how to safely clear this directory. This guide is perfect for beginners, so don’t worry if you’re new to Linux! What is /var/log/journal? The /var/log/journal directory stores systemd journal logs. These logs contain information about various system services and can be useful for diagnosing problems. However, if left unchecked, these logs can grow and consume a lot of disk space. Why Clear the Journal…

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In MySQL and MariaDB, you can create users that connect to the database using socket authentication instead of traditional username and password combination. This method is secure and convenient, as it uses the operating system’s user credentials. Here’s how you can set it up. What is Socket Authentication? Socket authentication allows a user to connect to the database without a password, using their Unix or Linux user credentials instead. This is useful for secure environments. This simplify the login processes by eliminating requirement of entering password for frequent users. How it Works? Socket authentication works by matching the operating system’s…

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When you create a new Flask application, it comes with a built-in development server. Which is good because it helps you see errors and automatically reloads when you make changes. However, if you start your app using this server, you can only access it from your own computer, because it only listens on localhost ( This means you can’t access this application from other devices on the same network So the question is, can we change this to allow access the application from other devices on the same network using the IP address of your computer? Answer is “Yes”. This…

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When working with Linux, you might encounter situations where a specific port is occupied by a process, preventing you from using that port for other applications. Knowing how to kill a process running on a specific port can be very useful, especially for troubleshooting and managing your system effectively. This step-by-step guide is designed to help beginners understand how to identify and terminate these processes with simple, clear instructions. We’ll walk you through the process of finding the port number, identifying the process using that port, and safely stopping the process. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the…

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Over the time, the Linux systems can have a large number of packages that are no more in use. These packages can take up huge disk space and might reduce your system overall performance. This guide will show you how to easily remove these unused packages. It’s important to keep your system clean and efficient, but be cautious: removing essential packages can cause your system to malfunction. Only remove packages you are sure are no longer needed. Why Should You Remove Unused Packages? There are several reasons to remove unused packages from your system: Free Up Disk Space: Unused packages…

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In programming, efficiently managing and displaying the current date and time is a common task across many applications. The Go programming language, with its powerful standard library, makes handling date and time straightforward and effective. This beginner’s guide will walk you through using Go’s time package, which offers a wide range of functionalities for date and time operations. Whether you’re building a logging system, scheduling tasks, or adding timestamps to events, understanding how to manipulate date and time in Go is crucial. Let’s explore the versatility of the time package and how you can use it in your Go projects.…

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When working with Docker containers, you might need to know the IP address of a specific container. This can be useful for debugging, networking, or connecting to services running inside the container. This guide will show you how to easily find the IP address of a Docker container using simple commands. Why You Might Need the IP Address There are several reasons you might need to find a Docker container’s IP address: Connecting to Services: Access services running inside the container from your host or other containers. Networking: Set up network configurations or troubleshoot networking issues. Debugging: Investigate connectivity problems…

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Sometimes, you might want to grant a user sudo privileges for only specific commands instead of full administrative access. This guide will show you how to do that easily. We will also provide an example and a test scenario to ensure it works correctly. Keeping security in mind, you should allow only required permission that a user required to do there work. To allow command-specific sudo privileges to a user to run only certain commands with superuser rights. This can enhance security by limiting the user’s abilities. Note: Be careful while editing the sudoers file. Mistakes in this file can…

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Installing LibreOffice on Ubuntu and Linux Mint using a Personal Package Archive (PPA) is a simple process that beginners can easily follow. LibreOffice is a popular, free, and open-source office suite that includes applications for word processing, creating spreadsheets, presentations, and more. Using a PPA ensures you get the latest version of LibreOffice directly from the developers, keeping your software up-to-date with the newest features and security improvements. This guide will walk you through each step of the installation process, making it easy for anyone, even those new to Linux, to install LibreOffice on their system. Installing LibreOffice using PPA…

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In Linux, granting sudo privileges to a user allows them to perform administrative tasks. This guide will show you how to do this in a simple and clear way. We will also provide a working example and a test scenario to ensure everything works as expected. Understanding Sudo Privileges Sudo (superuser do) allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified by the security policy. Granting sudo privileges means giving a user the ability to execute these commands. Steps to Grant Sudo Privileges Follow these steps to grant sudo privileges to a user:…

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