MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that is used for storing large amounts of data in a flexible and JSON-like format. As with any database, it is important to regularly back up your MongoDB data to ensure that you can recover from any unforeseen events such as data corruption, hardware failure, or accidental data deletion. In this article, we will go over the steps for how to back up and restore a MongoDB database.



Before you can start backing up and restoring your MongoDB database, you will need to have the following:

  • A MongoDB database installed and running on your system
  • The `mongodump` and `mongorestore` command line tools, which are included with the MongoDB installation
  • Access to the command line or terminal on your system

Backing Up a MongoDB Database

To back up a MongoDB database, you can use the `mongodump` command. This command creates a binary representation of the data in your database, which can be used to restore the database to a specific point in time.

Here is the basic syntax for the `mongodump` command:

mongodump [options]

The mongodump command has a number of options that you can use to specify which database to back up, where to save the backup, and how to authenticate to the database. Some of the most commonly used options are:

  • --host: The hostname and port of the MongoDB server (e.g. localhost:27017)
  • --db: The name of the database to be backed up
  • --out: The directory where the backup will be saved
  • --username and --password: The credentials to use to authenticate to the database

Here is an example of how you can use the `mongodump` command to back up a database called “mydb” on the localhost:

mongodump --host localhost:27017 --db mydb --out /backup/dir 

This will create a directory called `mydb` in the specified backup directory and save the binary representation of the data in the `mydb` database to it.

You can also specify a specific collection using the `--collection` flag. For example, to create a backup of the “users” collection in the “mydb” database, you would run the following command:

mongodump --collection users --db mydb --out /backup/dir 

Even you can back up all of the available databases with the following command.

mongodump --out /backup/dir  

To authenticate the above requests use the `--username` and `--password` parameters.

Restoring a MongoDB Database

To restore a MongoDB database from a backup, you can use the `mongorestore` command. This command reads the binary data from a previous backup and imports it into a new or existing MongoDB database.

Here is the basic syntax for the `mongorestore` command:

mongorestore [options] 

The “mongorestore” command has a number of options that you can use to specify which database to restore to, how to authenticate to the database and other options. Some of the most commonly used options are:

  • --host: The hostname and port of the MongoDB server (e.g. localhost:27017)
  • --db: The name of the database to restore to
  • --username and --password: The credentials to use to authenticate to the database
  • --drop: Drops all data from the target database before restoring the data

Here is an example of how you can use the `mongorestore` command to restore a database from a backup stored in the directory `/backup/mongo/mydb`:

mongorestore --db mydb /backup/mongo/mydb   

Use --drop option delete all data from the target database before restoring it.

mongorestore --db mydb --drop /backup/mongo/mydb  


In this article, we discussed how to back up and restore a MongoDB database. Backing up your database regularly is important to protect against data loss, and the `mongodump` and `mongorestore` utilities make it easy to create and restore backups of your MongoDB databases.


1 Comment

  1. As I read through for the mongodump, it mainly has 2 issues:
    1. It does not take the indices backup
    2. It takes a lot memory depending on the size of the DB.

    Is there some other way of taking backups of running DBs.

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