In the world of Bash scripting, there are various operators at our disposal that empower us to manipulate, compare, and test data. One such operator is the `=~` operator. Often overlooked but incredibly powerful, this operator provides us with a means to match string patterns using regular expressions. This article takes a deep dive into the practical application of the `=~` operator in Bash.


Understanding the =~ Operator

The `=~` operator is a Bash-specific feature that is utilized within conditional expressions. It’s primary use is to compare a string with a regular expression pattern. If the string matches the pattern, the operator returns a 0 (true), and if it does not, it returns a 1 (false).

Syntax of the =~ Operator

The syntax is straightforward. The `=~` operator is used within [[ and ]], and the string and the regular expression are the operands, as demonstrated below:

If the string matches the regular expression, the exit status of the operation is 0; otherwise, it’s 1.

Practical Application of the =~ Operator

Now let’s delve into some practical examples to see how the `=~` operator can be applied.

Example 1: Simple Pattern Matching

Let’s start with a basic example. We have a string that says “Welcome to Bash scripting,” and we want to see if the string contains the word “Bash.”

When we run this script, it will output “The string contains the word Bash.”

Example 2: Using Regular Expressions

One of the significant advantages of the `=~` operator is that it allows for regular expression pattern matching. Suppose we want to check if a string contains any digit. Here’s how we can do it:

The `[[ $str =~ [0-9]+ ]]` expression will check for one or more occurrences of any digit (0-9) in the string. The script will print “The string contains a digit.”

Example 3: Extracting Matches

The `=~` operator can also be used to extract matches. When a match is found, the BASH_REMATCH array variable is populated with the portion of the string that matched and any captured group matches.

Let’s assume we have a date string, and we want to extract the day, month, and year:

In this script, the regular expression ([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{4}) will match a date format of dd-mm-yyyy, and the BASH_REMATCH array will hold the matched groups. The script will print “Day: 23, Month: 05, Year: 2023”.


The `=~` operator is an incredibly versatile tool for Bash scripters. By understanding and harnessing the power of this operator, you can incorporate complex string pattern matching and regular expression logic into your scripts. Remember to use it within double brackets `[[` `]]` and always test your scripts to ensure that your regular expressions are working as expected. Happy scripting!

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