Bash scripting is a powerful tool for automating tasks and creating complex workflows in the Linux environment. One of the key features of bash scripting is the ability to define and call functions. Functions allow you to encapsulate a set of commands and execute them as a single unit, providing modularity and reusability to your scripts. In this article, we will explore how to call a bash function and retrieve its return values.


Defining a Bash Function

Before we dive into calling a function and retrieving its return values, let’s first understand how to define a bash function. Functions in bash are defined using the following syntax:

You can replace function_name with the desired name for your function. The function body consists of the commands that will be executed when the function is called.

Returning Values from a Bash Function

In bash, a function can return values using the return statement. The return statement is used to set the return status of the function, which is an integer value between 0 and 255. Conventionally, a return status of 0 indicates success, while non-zero values indicate failure or different error codes.

To return a value from a function, you can use the return statement followed by the desired value. For example:

However, to capture the return value of a function, you need to assign it to a variable. Bash provides the $? variable, which holds the return status of the last executed command or function. You can capture the return value of a function into a variable using this syntax:

In the above example, the return value of the my_function function is assigned to the variable variable_name. You can then use this variable in your script for further processing or display its value.

Here’s a complete example that demonstrates calling a function and retrieving its return value:

In this script, the my_function function returns the value 42. The return value is captured into the result variable, and then it is printed using the echo command.


Bash scripting provides a powerful mechanism for defining functions and calling them within your scripts. By using the return statement, you can return values from functions and capture them into variables when calling the functions. This allows you to create reusable and modular code, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of your bash scripts.

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