In the realm of system administration and automation, Bash scripting stands as a formidable tool for streamlining repetitive tasks, ensuring consistency, and saving time. One particular scenario where Bash scripting shines is in automating end-of-month tasks, such as data backup, report generation, or billing processes. A crucial step in this automation is determining whether the current day is the last day of the month. This article guides you through creating a Bash script to do just that, enabling your systems to intelligently manage monthly tasks without manual intervention.


The Challenge

The end of the month can vary from 28 to 31 days, depending on the month and whether it’s a leap year. Detecting the last day of the month in a Bash script requires a solution that dynamically adjusts to these variations. Fortunately, Bash and Unix-like systems offer powerful date manipulation utilities that make this task achievable.

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  • Crafting the Bash Script

    Here’s the two methods to detect if today is the last day of the month using shell scripts. You can choose any of the below methods.

    Method 1

    This Bash script checks if today’s month is not equal to tomorrow’s month, which would mean today is the last day of the current month.

    # Get today's date and the date for tomorrow
    today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
    tomorrow=$(date +%Y-%m-%d -d "+1 day")
    # Extract the month value from today and tomorrow
    month_today=$(date -d "$today" +%m)
    month_tomorrow=$(date -d "$tomorrow" +%m)
    # Compare the month values to determine if today is the last day of the month
    if [ "$month_today" != "$month_tomorrow" ]; then
      echo "Today is the last day of the month."
      # Place your end-of-month tasks here
      echo "Today is not the last day of the month."

    How It Works:

    1. Date Extraction: The script begins by obtaining today’s date and calculating tomorrow’s date. This step is crucial as it forms the basis for our comparison.
    2. Month Comparison: By extracting the month component from both today’s and tomorrow’s dates, the script can determine if a change in the month is about to occur. This change signifies that today is indeed the last day of the current month.
    3. Condition and Execution: If the months differ, the script concludes that today is the last day of the month. You can insert any end-of-month tasks within the if-statement to automate your specific processes.

    The above script is in detailed format for easy to understand. Here is the shorter version of the same script .

    if [ "$(date +%m)" != "$(date +%m -d "+1 day")" ]; then
      echo "Today is the last day of the month."
      # Place your end-of-month tasks here
      echo "Today is not the last day of the month."

    Method 2

    This Bash script checks if tomorrow’s date is the 1st day of the month, indicating today is the last day of the current month.

    if [ "$(date +%d -d "+1 day")" == "01" ]; then
      echo "Today is the last day of the month."
      # Place your end-of-month tasks here
      echo "Today is not the last day of the month."

    Possible Use Cases

    The versatility of this script allows it to be adapted for various end-of-month tasks. Here are five example use cases:

    • Monthly Data Backup: Automate the backup of critical data to ensure you have end-of-month snapshots for compliance and recovery purposes.
    • Report Generation: Generate financial, operational, or analytics reports to provide insights into monthly performance.
    • Billing Processes: Automate the generation and sending of invoices to clients, ensuring all billing is completed before the new month begins.
    • System Updates: Schedule maintenance tasks such as software updates or system checks to minimize impact on daily operations.
    • Archiving Logs: Move or archive system logs to free up space and maintain a clean working environment for your systems.


    Automating end-of-month tasks using Bash scripting not only saves time but also reduces the risk of human error. The provided script offers a foundational approach to detecting the last day of the month, serving as a stepping stone towards full automation of your monthly routines. By adapting and expanding upon this script, you can tailor the automation to fit your specific needs, further enhancing your system’s efficiency and reliability.

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