In the realm of DevOps, the pursuit of efficiency, reliability, and scalability in software development and infrastructure management is paramount. Ansible, an open-source automation tool, has emerged as a cornerstone technology for achieving these goals. This guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of Ansible, covering its fundamentals, configuration files, commands, and practical applications to master infrastructure automation.


1. Introduction

Ansible is a powerful IT automation engine that simplifies cloud provisioning, configuration management, application deployment, intra-service orchestration, and many other IT needs. Designed for multi-tier deployments, Ansible models your IT infrastructure by describing how all of your systems inter-relate, rather than just managing one system at a time.

2. Ansible Architecture

Ansible follows the client-server architecture where it (the server or control machine) manages clients (or nodes) through SSH or WinRM protocols. It holds a collection of modules defining tasks to be executed on nodes. Upon receiving a command, Ansible compiles the module and dispatches it to the nodes for execution, after which they report the results back to the server.

Read more: A Detailed Guide to Ansible Architecture

3. Ansible Key Features

Ansible, a powerful IT automation tool, simplifies complex tasks and enhances productivity in IT environments. Here are its key features:

  1. Agentless Architecture: Ansible manages nodes without installing any agents on them, reducing overhead and complexity. It uses SSH for Linux/Unix nodes and WinRM for Windows nodes.
  2. Idempotency: Ensures that even if a playbook is run multiple times on the same system, the outcome remains consistent, avoiding unintended side-effects.
  3. Simplicity and Ease of Use: Written in YAML, Ansible playbooks are easy to write, read, and share, making automation accessible to everyone, including those new to automation.
  4. Declarative Language: You define the desired state of your systems rather than the steps to get there, simplifying task descriptions and ensuring consistency.
  5. Extensive Module Library: Comes with a wide range of modules supporting tasks related to system configuration, software installation, cloud provisioning, and more.
  6. Inventory Management: Ansible can work with multiple machines as defined in its inventory, which can be statically or dynamically generated from various sources.
  7. Role-Based Structure: Allows reusability and sharing of content across playbooks, making it easier to manage complex deployments and configurations.
  8. Integration and Extensibility: Easily integrates with other DevOps tools and can be extended with custom modules, plugins, and APIs for specific needs.
  9. Secrets Management: Integrates with tools like Ansible Vault to keep sensitive data such as passwords or keys secure.

These features make Ansible a versatile tool for automating, configuring, and managing computer systems, emphasizing efficiency and scalability in IT operations.

4. Getting Started with Ansible

Before diving into the technical details, ensure Ansible is installed on your control machine (the machine that manages your nodes). You can install Ansible on Linux, macOS, or Windows (via WSL). The simplest command on a Debian-based system is:

sudo apt-get install ansible

or, for macOS:

brew install ansible

5. Ansible Main Configuration File

Ansible’s behavior is controlled by configuration settings, which can be adjusted via the Ansible configuration file. The default location is /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg, but you can specify a different path by setting the ANSIBLE_CONFIG environment variable.

A typical ansible.cfg file might look like this:

inventory       = /etc/ansible/hosts.ini
remote_user     = root
host_key_checking = False
retry_files_enabled = False

6. Ansible Inventories

Ansible Inventories define the hosts and groups of hosts upon which commands, tasks, and playbooks will operate. Essentially, the inventory is a structured file, typically in INI or YAML format, that lists all the nodes or machines you want Ansible to manage. It can include variables that provide additional context or configuration options for each host or group.

Inventories can be static, defined manually by the user, or dynamic, generated by querying external systems. For complex environments, inventories can also organize hosts into groups and subgroups, allowing for more targeted automation strategies.

Here’s an example in INI format:


[dbservers] ansible_user=admin

In this example, webservers and dbservers are groups containing different servers, with an additional variable (ansible_user) specified for

In the above examples, all the hosts must be dns records updated or entries to /etc/hosts file. Ansible also allows to define IP address to all hosts as below:

webserver1 ansible_host=
webserver2 ansible_host=

dbserver1 ansible_host=
dbserver2 ansible_host=

To add SSH details to an Ansible inventory, you can specify variables such as ansible_ssh_user, ansible_ssh_pass, ansible_ssh_private_key_file, and ansible_ssh_port for each host. These variables tell Ansible how to connect to the hosts over SSH. Here’s how you can add these details to your inventory file:

webserver1 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_user=user1 ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/path/to/key
webserver2 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_user=user2 ansible_ssh_pass=password

dbserver1 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_user=dbuser ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/path/to/dbuser/key
dbserver2 ansible_host= ansible_ssh_user=dbuser ansible_ssh_pass=dbpassword ansible_ssh_port=2222

Using SSH keys is recommended for better security compared to passwords. Ensure the Ansible control machine has the correct permissions to access the specified key files.

7. Ansible Modules

Ansible modules are the building blocks of Ansible automation, enabling specific tasks to be executed on remote hosts. Each module has a particular purpose, from managing system packages to handling files.

For example, the copy module copies files from the local machine to remote hosts:


- name: Copy file to target
    src: /src/path/file.txt
    dest: /dest/path/file.txt

The yum module manages packages with the YUM package manager, commonly used on RHEL-based systems. It can install, update, and remove packages. For instance, to ensure the latest version of “httpd” (Apache web server) is installed:

- name: Ensure Apache is installed
    name: httpd
    state: latest

For Ubuntu, which uses the APT package manager, the apt module is used. It functions similarly to the yum module but is tailored for Debian-based systems. To ensure the latest version of “nginx” (a high-performance web server) is installed on Ubuntu, you would use:

- name: Ensure Nginx is installed
    name: nginx
    state: latest
    update_cache: yes

8. Ansible ad-hoc commands

Ansible ad-hoc commands allow you to execute simple tasks quickly without writing a playbook. They’re useful for tasks you need to perform immediately on your managed nodes. For example, to check the uptime of all servers in your ‘webservers’ group, you might use:

ansible webservers -a "uptime"

This command uses the default command module to execute the uptime command on all hosts in the ‘webservers’ group.

9. Ansible Playbooks

Ansible Playbooks are the core configuration, deployment, and orchestration language of Ansible. They allow you to define and execute a series of tasks on one or more managed nodes in a YAML format. Playbooks can perform a variety of operations, set variables, include other playbooks, or even manage error handling.

Here’s a practical example of a playbook that ensures the Apache web server is installed and running on a group of web servers:

- name: Ensure Apache is installed and running
  hosts: webservers
    - name: Install Apache
        name: apache2
        state: present
        update_cache: yes
      become: yes

    - name: Start Apache
        name: apache2
        state: started
        enabled: yes
      become: yes

This playbook targets hosts in the webservers group, installs Apache using the apt module (assuming Debian/Ubuntu systems), and ensures the service is started and enabled to run at boot.

To run the playbook:

ansible-playbook site.yml

10. Ansible Basic Commands

The frequently used Ansible’s commands are:


The ansible command is used for running tasks on target hosts immediately, without needing a playbook. It’s ideal for executing ad-hoc commands for quick tasks. For example, to check disk space on all servers in your inventory, you might use:

ansible all -m shell -a 'df -h'


ansible-playbook runs Ansible playbooks, which are scripts that define a series of tasks to be executed on target hosts. Playbooks are written in YAML and offer a powerful way to automate complex multi-tier IT application environments. For instance, to deploy a web application:

ansible-playbook deploy_app.yml


ansible-galaxy is a command-line tool for managing Ansible roles, which allow for the reuse of common configuration steps. It interacts with the Galaxy website where users can share roles. To install a role from Galaxy, you might use:

ansible-galaxy install username.rolename

To read more ansible commands visit: A Guide to Ansible Key Commands and Their Functions


Ansible offers a powerful framework for automating and managing your IT infrastructure with simplicity and efficiency. By mastering its configuration files, commands, and practical applications, DevOps professionals can significantly enhance their operations, ensuring scalable, reliable, and manageable systems. As you continue to explore Ansible’s capabilities, remember that its community and ecosystem are rich resources for learning and growth.

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