Improving your computer’s speed involves optimizing the memory cache, a section of RAM that stores frequently used data. This makes your computer quicker by reducing the need to access slower storage like hard drives. Over time, this cache can fill up with old data, slowing down your computer. Regularly clearing this cache helps keep your system running smoothly.

  • Memory Cache: A memory cache is a high-speed data storage layer that stores a subset of data, typically transient, so future requests for that data are served up faster than accessing the data’s primary storage location.
  • Buffer: A buffer in computing is a region of memory used to temporarily store data while it is being moved from one place to another. It’s primarily used to manage data as it’s transferred between processes or hardware devices.
  • Swap Space: Swap space is a portion of a hard disk used as an extension of RAM for data overflow. When RAM is full, less frequently used data can be moved to swap space to free up RAM.

How to Clear Memory Cache on Linux

  1. Clear PageCache:

    This is part of the memory that stores disk data to speed up access. To clear it, use the command:

    sudo sync && echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
  2. Clear Dentries and Inodes:

    These caches store directory and file information, helping speed up access. Clear them with:

    sudo sync && echo 2 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
  3. Clear All (Dentries, Inodes, and PageCache):

    To clear everything at once, use command:

    sudo sync && echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Clearing Swap Cache in Linux

  1. Disable Swap Space: Before doing this, make sure you have enough memory available. Disable swap with:
    sudo swapoff -a
  2. Re-enable Swap Space: After clearing, you can turn swap back on with command:
    sudo swapon -a

Automating Cache Clearing

Set up a cron job to clear the cache automatically. Open your crontab with:

sudo crontab -e 

and add below to clear the cache at regular intervals.

0 * * * * sync && echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches 

Pros and Cons of Clearing Cache

Linux operating systems use various caching mechanisms to enhance system performance, including memory cache, buffer cache, and swap space. Each plays a critical role in managing and optimizing the use of physical memory and storage resources. Clearing these caches can sometimes be beneficial but also comes with its own set of drawbacks. Below, we explore the pros and cons of clearing each type of cache.

Memory Cache


  • Immediate Release of System Resources: Clearing the memory cache can free up system RAM instantly, which might be beneficial if the system is running low on memory or if a large, memory-intensive process needs to be run.
  • Troubleshooting: It helps in troubleshooting and resolving issues related to corrupted cache data, ensuring that applications fetch fresh data.


  • Performance Degradation: Clearing the memory cache can lead to temporary performance degradation. The system will need to reload frequently accessed data back into RAM from slower storage devices, increasing access times.
  • Short-Term Solution: It provides only a temporary fix to memory issues. If the system is consistently running out of memory, it’s better to address the underlying problem, such as by adding more RAM or optimizing memory usage.

Buffer Cache


  • Solves Immediate Disk I/O Issues: Flushing the buffer cache can resolve temporary disk I/O bottlenecks by clearing queued disk operations, potentially improving system responsiveness.
  • Data Integrity: In some cases, clearing the buffer cache can help in syncing data more consistently to disk, ensuring data integrity.


  • Increased Disk I/O: Clearing the buffer cache forces the system to write out any unwritten data to disk and reload any recently accessed data, increasing disk I/O and potentially slowing down the system.
  • Risk of Data Loss: Improperly clearing the buffer cache without ensuring all data is correctly written to disk can lead to data loss.

Swap Space


  • Reclaims Memory: Clearing swap space can reclaim disk space used for swap, potentially speeding up systems with sufficient RAM but slow disk access to swap.
  • Performance Improvement: On systems with abundant RAM, disabling or clearing swap space can force the operating system to utilize RAM more efficiently, improving performance.


  • System Stability Risk: Clearing swap space without careful consideration can lead to system instability, especially on systems with limited RAM, as it removes a critical overflow area for unused memory pages.
  • Temporary Relief: Like clearing memory caches, clearing swap space does not address the root cause of high memory usage. It might only offer temporary relief, leading to potential performance issues down the line.


Managing the memory cache on Linux is key to maintaining high system performance. Regularly clearing the cache can improve speed, responsiveness, and overall user experience. Just remember to save your work before clearing to prevent data loss.

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