Pop!_OS, a Linux distribution developed by System76, is renowned for its user-friendly interface and efficiency, particularly among developers and creative professionals. Similar to other Linux distributions, managing system administration tasks in Pop!_OS often requires elevated privileges, typically achieved through the use of ‘sudo’. The ‘sudo’ command stands for “superuser do” and it enables an authorized user to execute commands with root-level privileges. This approach is critical for maintaining system security and integrity.


Setting up a sudo user in Pop!_OS is straightforward and aligns closely with standard practices in the Linux ecosystem. Let’s walk through the process of creating a sudo user on Pop!_OS.

Create a Sudo User on Pop!_OS

  1. Open the Terminal: Begin by accessing your terminal in Pop!_OS. You can easily open it using the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T or by searching for ‘Terminal’ in the Activities overview.
  2. Create a New User Account: If you need to create a new user, use the adduser command followed by the desired username. Replace newuser with the username you wish to create.
    adduser newuser 

    Follow the prompts to set a password and provide additional user information if desired.

  3. Add the New User to the Sudo Group: In Pop!_OS, similar to Ubuntu and other Debian-based systems, members of the sudo group are granted sudo privileges. Add your new user to this group using the following command:
    usermod -aG sudo newuser 

    This adds the new user to the sudo group, granting them sudo access.

  4. Verify Sudo Access: To ensure that the user has been granted sudo privileges, switch to the new user account:
    su - newuser 

    You can then test the sudo access by attempting to run a command that requires root privileges, such as:

    sudo ls -la /root 

    You will be prompted to enter the password for the new user when using sudo for the first time in a session.

  5. Customize Sudo Privileges (Optional): If you need to customize the sudo privileges, you can edit the sudoers file. This should be done with caution:

    It’s crucial to edit this file carefully, as incorrect configurations can lead to significant security or functional issues.


By following these steps, you have successfully created a sudo user on your Pop!_OS system. This setup is essential for carrying out system administration tasks securely, allowing you to execute necessary commands with elevated privileges while minimizing the risks associated with operating directly as the root user. Always exercise caution when using sudo privileges, as they allow you to make impactful changes to your system. With a properly configured sudo user, your Pop!_OS system is well-prepared for both efficient and secure management.

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