Packaging software into RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) format is an essential skill for developers and system administrators working with Red Hat-based Linux distributions such as CentOS and RedHat. RPMs allow for easy installation, upgrade, and removal of software, ensuring that applications can be distributed and managed efficiently. This guide will walk you through the process of packaging your script into an RPM, step by step.



Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

  • A CentOS or RedHat system for packaging and testing.
  • Your script that you wish to package.
  • rpm-build and rpmdevtools packages installed. You can install them by running:
    sudo dnf install rpm-build rpmdevtools

Step 1: Setting Up Your Environment

First, prepare your environment by setting up the RPM build directory structure in your home directory.


This command creates a rpmbuild directory with several subdirectories (BUILD, RPMS, SOURCES, SPECS, and SRPMS) in your home directory.

Step 2: Preparing Your Script

Place your script into the SOURCES directory. If your script has external dependencies, ensure they are documented or included.

Step 3: Writing the Spec File

The spec file is a blueprint for building your RPM. It includes metadata about your package and instructions on how to build and install it. Create a new spec file in the SPECS directory. For example:

vi ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/myscript.spec

Here’s a basic template for a spec file:

Name:           myscript
Version:        1.0
Release:        1%{?dist}
Summary:        A brief description of your script.

License:        GPL
Source0:        %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz

BuildArch:      noarch

A longer description of your script.

%setup -q

# Your build commands here (if any).

mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/local/bin
install -m 755 %{name} %{buildroot}/usr/local/bin/%{name}


* Date Your Name <> - 1.0-1
- Initial package

Replace myscript with the name of your script, and adjust the version, release, summary, license, and URL as needed. Fill in the description with a detailed description of your script. The %files section lists the files to be included in the package.

Step 4: Building the RPM

Before building the RPM, you need to create a source tarball of your script and place it in the SOURCES directory. Assuming your script is in the root of the rpmbuild/SOURCES directory:

tar czf myscript-1.0.tar.gz myscript

Now, build the RPM package:

rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/myscript.spec

Step 5: Testing Your RPM

After building the RPM, you’ll find it in the RPMS subdirectory of your rpmbuild directory. Install it using the yum or dnf command to test:

sudo dnf localinstall ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/myscript-1.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm

Replace the path and filename as necessary according to your package’s name and version.


Packaging your script into an RPM can streamline the deployment process, making it easier to distribute, install, and manage your software on CentOS or RedHat systems. By following this guide, you’ve learned the basics of RPM packaging, from setting up your environment and preparing your script to writing a spec file and building your package. With these skills, you can ensure your software is accessible and maintainable across Red Hat-based distributions.



  1. Hi,

    We have custom scripts to perform certain installation with require dynamic inputs to be passed at the time we run the script which cannot be achieved using RPM packages. I want to understand if there is a way we can still use our own scripts,gather post installation information and create a SPEC file(no installation). May be just the below information:

    Name: mydumpadmin
    Version: 1
    Release: 0
    Summary: An Advance Bash Script for MySQL Database Backup

    Group: TecAdmin
    BuildArch: noarch
    License: GPL
    Source0: mydumpadmin-1.0.tar.gz

    Write some description about your package here

    With no source, can we package and create an RPM package with the above requirements?

  2. If I have to create a general package and then 3 others installation that change only some parameter in some text file, how this can be done?

  3. if i want to add another require RPMS before i install my script how to add as example want to include “yum install rsync ” in my rpm package how i can do that ?

  4. Doctor Coldfoot on

    Only One little problem. The Group tag “Rahul” is invalid. For a list of usable groups check out:

  5. I was preparing a new rpm to take backup of /root/Downloads/webmin to /var/tmp/webmin.tar.gz
    I installed the newly built rpm package but not able to see the package in rpm -qa output.

    [root@localhost noarch]# rpm -qa | grep -i webmin1-1-0.noarch.rpm
    [root@localhost noarch]#

    Can anybody let me know how can this be solved ?

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