Fedora, known for its cutting-edge features in the Linux world, also emphasizes security and efficient system administration. One of the key practices in administering a Fedora system is the use of sudo, which stands for “superuser do!”. Sudo allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified in the /etc/sudoers file. This mechanism provides a fine balance between accessibility and security, essential for managing privileged operations.


Creating a sudo user in Fedora involves a few straightforward steps, ensuring that system administration tasks can be performed safely without direct root access. Here’s how to do it:

Steps to Create a Sudo User on Fedora

  1. Open a Terminal
  2. : Open your terminal on Fedora. If you’re working on a remote server, connect to it via SSH.

  3. Create a New User Account: Use the adduser command to create a new user. Replace newuser with the username you wish to create.
    useradd newuser 

    This command will create a new user account. You will not receive any feedback if the command was successful.

  4. Set a Password for the New User: Next, set a password for the newly created user account. You will be prompted to enter and confirm a password.
    passwd newuser 

    Choose a strong and secure password.

  5. Add the New User to the Wheel Group: In Fedora, the wheel group is configured to allow its members to execute commands as the superuser. Add your new user to this group with the following command:
    usermod -aG wheel newuser 

    The -aG option adds the user to the specified group.

  6. Verify Sudo Access: To ensure that the user has sudo privileges, switch to the new user account:
    su - newuser 

    Test the sudo access with a command that requires superuser privileges, like:

    sudo ls -la /root 

    You will be prompted to enter the password for newuser the first time you use sudo.

  7. Customize Sudo Privileges (Optional): If you need to customize the sudo privileges further, you can edit the sudoers file:
    sudo visudo 

    Be cautious when editing this file, as incorrect settings can cause significant security risks or operational problems.


Creating a sudo user in Fedora is a critical step for secure and efficient system management. By following these steps, you have now equipped your system with a user who can perform administrative tasks with elevated privileges, minimizing the risks associated with constant root access. Always use these privileges judiciously and understand the commands you are executing as a sudo user to maintain the integrity and security of your Fedora system.

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