In the evolving landscape of software development and deployment, the combination of .NET Core and Linux has emerged as a powerful duo, offering developers a flexible, high-performance platform for building and running applications. One of the key aspects of deploying .NET Core applications on Linux is leveraging systemd services to ensure that applications run smoothly, start automatically on boot, and restart after failure. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the process of using systemd services with .NET Core on Linux, covering everything from the basics to more advanced topics.


Introduction to Systemd and .NET Core

Systemd is the init system and system manager that has become the standard for many Linux distributions. It is responsible for initializing the system components and managing system processes after booting. It introduces the concept of systemd services, which allow for the management of system and application services in a unified manner.

.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework developed by Microsoft for building modern applications. With its high performance, side-by-side versioning, and flexibility, .NET Core has gained popularity for developing web applications, services, and server applications that can run on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Setting Up a .NET Core Application on Linux

Before diving into systemd services, ensure your .NET Core application is ready and tested on your local development environment. Once you’re confident it runs as expected, the next step is to publish your application:

  1. Publish Your Application: Use the .NET Core CLI to publish your application for the Linux environment. This step compiles your application and its dependencies into a folder that can be deployed to a Linux server.
    dotnet publish -c Release -o /path/to/publish/directory --runtime linux-x64
  2. Transfer to Linux Server: Transfer the published application to your Linux server. You can use SCP, FTP, or any other method that suits your workflow.

Creating a Systemd Service for Your .NET Core Application

To run your .NET Core application as a systemd service, you need to create a service file that tells systemd how to manage your application.

  1. Create Service File: Create a new service file in /etc/systemd/system/, named after your application (e.g., myapp.service).
    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/myapp.service

    Add the following content:

    Description=My .NET Core Application
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /path/to/publish/directory/YourApp.dll
    # Restart service after 10 seconds if the dotnet service crashes:

    Make sure to change directory path with your application directory.

  2. Reload Systemd: After creating the service file, reload systemd to read the new service file.
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  3. Enable and Start Your Service: Enable your service to start on boot, and then start the service immediately.
    sudo systemctl enable myapp.service
    sudo systemctl start myapp.service
  4. Monitoring and Managing the Service: Use systemd commands to manage and monitor your service.
    • Check Status: sudo systemctl status myapp.service
    • Restart Service: sudo systemctl restart myapp.service
    • Stop Service: sudo systemctl stop myapp.service

Advanced Systemd Service Configurations

As you become more comfortable managing your .NET Core application as a systemd service, you might explore advanced configurations for better performance, security, and resilience.

  • Security: Consider tightening security by using directives like ProtectSystem, ProtectHome, PrivateTmp, and others to limit the service’s access to the system and user data.
  • Logging: Systemd services automatically log to the system journal. You can view these logs using journalctl. For more detailed application logs, configure your .NET Core application to use a logging provider compatible with Linux systems.
  • Environment Variables: Manage environment variables for your application directly in the service file or by using an external environment file referenced in the service file.


Running your .NET Core application as a systemd service on Linux offers a robust solution for deployment, ensuring your application can start automatically, remain running, and recover from failures. By following this guide, developers can harness the full potential of .NET Core and Linux, deploying applications that are not only powerful and efficient but also resilient and easy to manage. As you become more familiar with systemd and .NET Core, you’ll discover even more ways to optimize and secure your applications for the Linux environment.

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