In the digital era, where efficiency and automation are paramount, mastering the art of scheduling tasks in Linux is a vital skill for any tech enthusiast, system administrator, or developer. The power of Linux cron jobs lies in their ability to automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and ensure the smooth operation of systems. This comprehensive guide is tailored to enhance your proficiency in using crontab, a built-in Linux utility, for effective task scheduling. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or a beginner eager to delve into the world of automated task management, this guide is your go-to resource.


To understand more about Crontab structure, you can visit previous article Crontab in Linux.

This tutorial provides a variety of practical examples, from simple reminders to complex system maintenance tasks, ensuring a thorough understanding of crontab’s capabilities and applications. By the end of this guide, you will be well-equipped to harness the full potential of Linux cron jobs, elevating your skills in Linux task automation and system management.

40 Practical Examples of Crontab

  1. Basic Hello World: Schedule a cron job to display “Hello World” every day at 12 PM.
    0 12 * * * echo "Hello World"
  2. Backup a Directory Weekly: Back up a folder every Sunday at 11 PM.
    0 23 * * Sun tar -czf /backup/my_backup_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).tar.gz /my_folder
  3. Run a Python Script Daily: Execute a Python script every day at 3 AM.
    0 3 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/
  4. Database Backup: Perform a MySQL database backup every day at 2 AM.
    0 2 * * * /usr/bin/mysqldump -u username -ppassword database_name > /backup/db_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).sql
  5. Reboot System Weekly: Reboot the system every Monday at 4 AM.
    0 4 * * Mon /sbin/reboot
  6. Check Disk Space: Check disk space every 6 hours.
    0 */6 * * * df -h > /var/log/disk_space.log
  7. Sync Files with Remote Server: Sync a local directory with a remote directory daily at 1 AM.
    0 1 * * * rsync -avz /local/directory/ user@remote:/remote/directory/
  8. Renew SSL Certificate: Automatically renew SSL certificate on the first day of every month.
    0 0 1 * * certbot renew --quiet
  9. Run Custom Maintenance Script: Execute a maintenance script on the first Sunday of every month at 5 AM.
    0 5 1-7 * * [ "$(date +\%u)" = "7" ] && /path/to/
  10. Delete Temporary Files: Clear the /tmp directory every day at midnight.
    0 0 * * * rm -rf /tmp/*
  11. Monitor System Health: Run a system health check script every hour.
    0 * * * * /path/to/
  12. Send Email Reminder: Send a reminder email on the 15th of every month.
    0 9 15 * * echo "Don't forget the meeting!" | mail -s "Meeting Reminder"
  13. Update System Packages: Update system packages every Saturday at 3 AM.
    0 3 * * Sat apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
  14. Rotate Logs: Rotate log files every day at midnight.
    0 0 * * * logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
  15. Backup User Home Directories: Create a backup of all user home directories every month.
    0 0 1 * * tar -czf /backup/home_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).tar.gz /home/
  16. Fetch Remote Data: Fetch data from a remote API every 30 minutes.
    */30 * * * * curl -o /path/to/local/data.json
  17. Check Website Availability: Check if your website is up every 10 minutes.
    */10 * * * * wget --spider -q -o /dev/null || echo "Website DOWN" | mail -s "Website Down!"
  18. Scheduled Shutdown: Shutdown the system every day at 11 PM.
    0 23 * * * /sbin/shutdown -h now
  19. Run Script on Reboot: Run a script every time the system reboots.
    @reboot /path/to/
  20. Clean Apt Cache: Clean the apt-get cache every week.
    0 2 * * Sun apt-get clean
  21. Monitor CPU and Memory Usage: Save CPU and memory usage statistics to a log file every hour.
    0 * * * * top -n 1 -b > /var/log/cpu_mem_usage_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M).log
  22. Backup Important Config Files: Create a backup of critical configuration files every day.
    30 1 * * * tar -czf /backup/etc_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).tar.gz /etc
  23. Automate Git Repository Sync: Sync a local git repository with its remote every day.
    0 2 * * * cd /path/to/git/repo && git pull origin master
  24. Check for Suspicious Logins: Check for suspicious login activities every day.
    0 3 * * * grep 'Failed password' /var/log/auth.log > /var/log/suspicious_logins_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).log
  25. Automated Server Restart: Restart a critical service (like a web server) in the middle of the night for stability.
    0 4 * * * systemctl restart apache2
  26. Log Network Statistics: Record network statistics every hour.
    0 * * * * netstat -s > /var/log/netstats_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H\%M).log
  27. Automatically Update DNS Records: Update dynamic DNS records for your domain.
    */5 * * * * /path/to/
  28. Cleanup Cache Directories: Clean up cache directories of your applications weekly.
    0 5 * * 0 find /path/to/app/cache -type f -delete
  29. Monitor Filesystem Usage: Report the usage of disk partitions every day.
    0 6 * * * df -h > /var/log/disk_usage_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).log
  30. Auto-Update ClamAV Database: Update the ClamAV database daily for security.
    45 1 * * * freshclam
  31. Synchronize Time with NTP: Sync the system clock with an NTP server weekly.
    0 2 * * 1 ntpdate
  32. Check RAID Status: Check the status of RAID devices daily.
    0 7 * * * cat /proc/mdstat > /var/log/mdstat_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).log
  33. Rotate User Logs: Rotate logs in the user’s home directory every month.
    0 0 1 * * find /home/*/.logs -type f -name "*.log" -exec truncate --size 0 {} \;
  34. Automated Firewall Rules Update: Update firewall rules on a regular basis.
    30 3 * * * /path/to/
  35. Automate Docker Container Cleanup: Clean up unused Docker images and containers weekly.
    0 0 * * 0 docker system prune -af
  36. Sync Photos to Cloud Storage: Sync a photos directory with cloud storage nightly.
    30 2 * * * rclone sync /home/user/photos remote:backup/photos
  37. Generate System Report: Generate a system report and email it weekly.
    0 8 * * Mon /path/to/ | mail -s "Weekly System Report"
  38. Monitor Suspicious Activity: Run an intrusion detection system check daily.
    0 5 * * * /usr/local/bin/aide --check
  39. Backup Databases to Cloud Storage: Backup databases to a cloud storage service every day.
    0 3 * * * /path/to/ && rclone copy /backup/db_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d).sql remote:backup/databases
  40. Automate System Health Checks: Perform comprehensive system health checks weekly.
    0 9 * * Sun /path/to/ > /var/log/system_health_$(date

These examples further illustrate the diversity of tasks that can be automated using cron, helping Linux users streamline their workflows and maintain their systems effectively. Remember to adjust the paths and parameters to suit your environment and requirements.

Wrap Up

To sum up, this guide serves as an essential guide for anyone looking to optimize their Linux systems through automation. The detailed examples provided in this guide, ranging from simple task reminders to sophisticated system maintenance scripts, offer a comprehensive overview of the versatility of crontab in the Linux environment. This guide is a testament to the power of Linux cron jobs in enhancing productivity, ensuring timely execution of tasks, and maintaining system health.

Whether you are a system administrator, a software developer, or a Linux enthusiast, mastering the art of crontab is a step towards efficient and effective system management. Embrace the knowledge and practical skills shared in this guide to transform your approach to task scheduling in Linux, and join the ranks of proficient Linux users who efficiently automate their workflows. Remember, in the ever-evolving landscape of technology, staying ahead involves not only understanding the tools at your disposal but also effectively implementing them in your daily operations.

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