Nano is a lightweight and user-friendly text editor that is widely used by programmers, system administrators, and other Linux users. One of the great features of Nano is its ability to be customized with the ~/.nanorc and /etc/nanorc files. In this article, we’ll explore how to use these configuration files to customize Nano and make it work more efficiently for your needs.


The ~/.nanorc file

The ~/.nanorc file is a user-specific configuration file that is used to customize Nano on a per-user basis. This file is located in your home directory and is used to store all of the custom settings that you want to apply to Nano. To create or edit the ~/.nanorc file, simply open a terminal and type:

nano ~/.nanorc 

The /etc/nanorc file

The /etc/nanorc file is a system-wide configuration file that is used to apply custom settings to Nano for all users on a system. This file is located in the /etc directory and is used to store settings that apply to all users. To edit the /etc/nanorc file, you will need to have root or superuser privileges. To open the file in Nano, type:

sudo nano /etc/nanorc 

Customizing syntax highlighting

One of the most common reasons for customizing Nano with the nanorc file is to change the syntax highlighting. By default, Nano supports syntax highlighting for a range of programming languages, but you may want to customize these settings to suit your specific needs.

To customize the syntax highlighting, we need to add specific settings to the ~/.nanorc file. For example, to change the color of comments in C++ files, we could add the following line:

This tells Nano to use the “cpp” syntax highlighting mode for C++ files and to highlight comments in bright yellow.

Customizing key bindings

Another way to customize Nano with the ~/.nanorc file is to change the key bindings. Nano comes with a range of default key bindings, but you may want to change these to suit your specific needs.

To customize the key bindings, we need to add specific settings to the ~/.nanorc file. For example, to change the key binding for saving a file from “Ctrl + O” to “Ctrl + S”, we could add the following line:

This tells Nano to bind the “Ctrl + S” key combination to the “writeout” command, which saves the current file.

Enable line numbers

By default, Nano doesn’t show the line numbers. You can also enable the line numbers while editing a file in a nano text editor. To enable the line numbers edit the ~/.nanorc file.

Customizing file handling

Finally, we can also customize how Nano handles specific types of files. For example, we may want to change the tab size for Python files or set a different default file extension for certain types of files.

To customize file handling, we need to add specific settings to the ~/.nanorc file. For example, to change the tab size for Python files to 4 spaces, we could add the following line:

This tells Nano to use the “python” syntax highlighting mode for files with the “.py” extension and to set the tab size to 4 spaces.


Customizing Nano with the ~/.nanorc and /etc/nanorc files is a powerful way to make the text editor work more efficiently for your needs. Whether you’re a programmer or a casual user, customizing Nano can help you work more efficiently and effectively. By using the ~/.nanorc file, you can customize Nano on a per-user basis, while the /etc/nanorc file allows you to apply custom settings system-wide for all users. With these configuration files, you can make Nano work the way you want it to.

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