Django, a high-level Python Web framework, promotes rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Developed by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. One of the key features of Django is its automatically generated admin interface, which is highly extensible and customizable. This article provides an in-depth guide on how to create an admin user in Django using the command line interface (CLI).


Activating the Virtual Environment

Assuming that you already have a Django application for which you need to create admin user. So first of all, you will need to activate Python virtual environment for your application. You can activate it using one of the following commands based on your operating system:

  • On macOS and Linux:

  • On Windows:

Here “myenv” is the directory name contains virtual environment for Djnago application. You’ll know that your virtual environment is active once you see its name in parentheses at the beginning of your terminal prompt

Creating an Admin User via CLI

Now that your environment is prepared, you can create a new admin user. This can be done using the `createsuperuser` management command. Run the following command in your terminal:

python createsuperuser 

This will prompt you to enter a username, email, and password for the new superuser. Note that the password won’t be displayed as you type it in, which is a standard security feature.

Django Create Admin User

If you want to specify the username and email while running the command, you can do so as follows:

python createsuperuser --username=john 

After running this command, you’ll be prompted to enter a password. You can also provide the password from the command line, but this is generally discouraged as it’s insecure. It exposes the password in the system’s process list and saves it in your command line history.


Django’s CLI is a powerful tool that can greatly simplify many administrative tasks, including the creation of admin users. The createsuperuser command provides a quick and straightforward way to create new admin users. It’s just one of many examples of Django’s “batteries-included” philosophy, where common tasks are provided out of the box, allowing developers to focus on building their application instead of getting bogged down with mundane tasks.

Understanding how to create an admin user is an essential part of mastering Django, and with this guide, you’re well on your way. By utilizing Django’s command line interface, you can expedite the admin user creation process, allowing you to manage your Django project more effectively and efficiently.

Keep exploring Django, and you’ll uncover more of its extensive capabilities, helping you streamline your web development process and elevate your projects to new heights.

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