Unzipping or extracting .gz files in Linux is a common task that users encounter. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to accomplish this using various methods.


1. Overview

A .gz file, short for GNU Zip, is a compression format used in Unix and Linux systems. It employs the gzip compression algorithm and is often used to compress single files. For multiple files, .tar.gz or .tgz are used, combining .tar (tape archive) with gzip compression.

2. Using the gunzip Command

The most straightforward method to extract a .gz file is using the gunzip command. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Terminal: Access the terminal through your Linux interface.
  2. Navigate to the File Directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory containing your .gz file.
  3. Run the gunzip Command: Type gunzip filename.gz. This will extract the file and create a new file without the .gz extension.
    gunzip filename.gz 

3. Using the gzip Command

Alternatively, you can use the gzip command with the -d flag, which stands for ‘decompress’. The command looks like this:

gzip -d filename.gz 

4. Extracting .tar.gz Files

Extracting .tar.gz files in Linux is a common task, as this format is frequently used for distributing applications and transferring files. The .tar.gz extension indicates that the file is a TAR archive compressed using the gzip compression algorithm.

For .tar.gz files, use the tar command:

gtar -xzf filename.tar.gz 

Here, -x stands for extract, -z tells tar to uncompress the archive (as it’s gzipped), and -f specifies the filename.


Unzipping a .gz file in Linux is a straightforward process that can be done either through the command line or with graphical tools. Understanding these basic operations is essential for navigating and managing files effectively in a Linux environment. Remember to handle file permissions and backups carefully, especially when working with important data.



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