Mysqldump is an utility provided by MySQL/MariaDB to backup databases and tables. Generally, we take a full dump of database regularly and keep it. But some times we required to recover a single or 2-3 tables from backup. Then the question if how to restore a specific table from the full backup file. This article will help you to how to extract tables backup from the full database backup file. Also, we can extract all tables backup in individual files per table.


Step 1 – Download MySQL Dump Split Script

To split a full mysqldump database backup file in separate table specific files backup. Create a file named and Copy below script in it.

This script taken from

Step 2 – Extract All Tables from Dump

For this example I have a dump file named mydb.sql, which i want to split in small backups per table. For this I have created a new directory /opt/splitdb and copied above script with name in this directory. Now use following command to extract all tables in individual backup files.

cd /opt/splitdb
chmod +x
./ mydb.sql    #Do not run with 'sh' command 

Step 3 – Extract Single Table from Dump

If we want to extract only one table, We can use command like below. For example I want to split only table named my_tbl1 and my_tbl2. it will extract backup in current directory with name my_tbl1.sql and my_tbl2.sql.

cd /opt/splitdb
chmod +x
sh mydb.sql my_tbl1
sh mydb.sql my_tbl2


  1. with debian change:

    NAME=`head -n1 $FILE | cut -d$’x60′ -f2`


    NAME=`head -n1 $FILE | cut -d $(echo -e ‘\x60’) -f2`

    this worked for me …

  2. while running this script it show error line 14: ct_olts.sql: command not found
    cut: the delimiter must be a single character
    Try ‘cut –help’ for more information.

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