In the vast world of Linux, understanding how your system is using memory is a fundamental skill. This knowledge allows you to monitor the health and performance of your system, diagnose issues, and optimize resource allocation. One of the most important commands in your toolkit for this purpose is the ‘free’ command. Despite its simplicity, ‘free’ provides valuable insight into your system’s memory usage. This beginner’s guide will take you through the basics of the ‘free’ command, helping you to understand how to interpret its output.


Understanding the ‘free’ Command

The ‘free’ command, as the name suggests, provides information about the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the system, along with the buffers and caches used by the kernel. This simple command line utility provides a concise and human-readable output, making it a valuable tool for system administrators and users alike.

To run the command, open your terminal and type ‘free’. The output will look something like this:

This output can be a bit difficult to understand at first glance, but let’s break it down:

  • Total: The total installed memory (RAM) on your system.
  • Used: The used memory includes all the memory that is currently being used by processes, including the memory allocated to buffers and caches.
  • Free: The free memory is what is not being used by processes, buffers, or caches.
  • Shared: Memory shared by tmpfs (Temporary file storage i.e., /run or /dev/shm).
  • Buff/Cache: Memory used by buffers and caches.
  • Available: An estimate of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without swapping.

Interpreting Memory Usage

On Linux, it’s important to understand that free memory is, essentially, wasted memory. The Linux kernel tries to make use of as much memory as it can, using some of it for buffers (temporary data storage) and caches (areas that store frequently accessed data) to speed up system performance.

Therefore, when you are looking at the ‘used’ memory in the ‘free’ output, keep in mind that it includes memory used by buffers and caches. When these areas are not required, they will be freed up and made available for system processes. The ‘available’ column gives a more realistic picture of how much memory is available for starting new applications.

Examples and Usage

1. Displaying Memory Usage in Megabytes and Gigabytes

By default, ‘free’ displays memory usage in kilobytes. If you want to see the data in megabytes or gigabytes, you can use the ‘-m’ or ‘-g’ flags respectively. For example:

free -m 

This command will display memory usage in megabytes.

2. Displaying Memory Usage in Human-Readable Format

You can also use the ‘-h’ flag to display all memory values in a human-readable format (automatically selects appropriate units: KB, MB, or GB).

free -h 

3. Refreshing the Output at Regular Intervals

The ‘free’ command can also provide real-time monitoring of your system’s memory usage. This can be done by adding the ‘-s’ flag followed by the update interval in seconds:

free -s 5 

This command will update the memory usage every 5 seconds.

4. Displaying Total Memory Usage

The -t option adds a line at the bottom of the output showing the total physical and swap memory, along with their total used and free memory. For example, free -mt displays the total in MB.

free -mt 


Mastering memory monitoring in Linux is an essential skill for system administrators and users alike. The free command is a powerful tool in your arsenal for achieving this, providing an insightful snapshot of your system’s memory usage at any given moment.

Remember, though, while monitoring is vital, understanding the information is even more crucial. Interpreting the output of the free command and making the necessary adjustments ensures you can get the most out of your Linux system and keep it running smoothly.

In the vast, ever-evolving landscape of Linux, the power to monitor and optimize memory usage is just a command away. So, don’t forget to ‘free’ up some time to learn and practice this powerful command!

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