Working with timezones is an essential part of many Python applications. Whether you’re building a scheduling system, a logging tool, or any other application that involves dates and times, setting the default timezone is a critical function. In this article, we’ll discuss how to get or set the default timezone in Python.


Using the datetime Module

The datetime module provides several functions for working with dates and times in Python, including setting the default timezone. To set the default timezone, you can use the tzset() function from the time module. Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to set the default timezone using the datetime module:

In this code, we first import the time and datetime modules. We then set the timezone to US/Pacific using the `os.environ` dictionary and the tzset() function from the time module. Finally, we get the current time in the default timezone using the now() function from the datetime module and display it.

Using the pytz Module

Another way to set the default timezone in Python is to use the pytz module. The `pytz` module provides a comprehensive database of timezones and a simple interface for working with them. Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to set the default timezone using the pytz module:

In this code, we first import the `pytz` and `datetime` modules. We then set the timezone to US/Pacific using the timezone() function from the pytz module. Finally, we get the current time in the default timezone using the now() function from the datetime module and display it.

Best Practices

When working with timezones in Python, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure accurate results. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Use the correct timezone: When working with dates and times, make sure to use the correct timezone for your application. Using the wrong timezone can result in incorrect date and time calculations.
  2. Consider daylight saving time: When setting the default timezone, consider daylight saving time (DST). DST is the practice of setting the clock ahead by one hour during the warmer months to extend the amount of daylight. You can use the pytz module to handle DST automatically.
  3. Use the appropriate method: While both the datetime module and the pytz module can be used to set the default timezone, choose the appropriate method based on your specific use case.


In conclusion, setting the default timezone in Python is a straightforward task that can be accomplished using either the datetime module or the pytz module. By following best practices and using the appropriate method for your specific use case, you can ensure that your application accurately sets the default timezone, no matter what the task.

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