If you’re responsible for the management of a Linux-based system, you need to know how to navigate around user profiles. A crucial part of this involves understanding home directories – these are the default directories assigned to each user on a system, providing a space for storing personal files and customized settings. There may be times when you need to change a user’s default home directory. This guide will walk you through how to achieve that.


Understanding the Home Directory

In Linux, each user is assigned a home directory, usually located at /home/username. This directory is where personal files, configuration files, and other user-specific data are stored. It’s also where the user is directed upon logging in. The home directory is essential because it provides a personal workspace for each user, separating individual work environments.

Why Change the Home Directory?

There could be numerous reasons for changing a user’s home directory:

  • System Organization: You might be reorganizing the system and need certain users to have their home directory in different locations.
  • Disk Space: If the disk partition where the /home directory is located is running out of space, you may need to move users to a different directory on another partition.
  • Security: In some security-hardened systems, you may need to isolate users to specific directories.

Changing the Home Directory: The `usermod` Command

In Linux, the usermod command is used to modify a user’s information. One of the things it can alter is the home directory. Here’s the syntax:

sudo usermod -d /new/home/dir -m username 

The -d option tells `usermod` to change the user’s home directory, and -m tells it to move the contents of the current home directory to the new location. Replace /new/home/dir with the actual path of the new directory, and username with the name of the user whose home directory you’re changing.

Before proceeding with this command, ensure that the new home directory exists. If not, you can create it with:

sudo mkdir /new/home/dir 

Then set the correct permissions:

sudo chown username:username /new/home/dir 

Verify the Change

After issuing the usermod command, it’s always good practice to verify that the changes have been made correctly. You can do this by checking the `/etc/passwd` file, which contains user details. The command `grep 'username' /etc/passwd` (replace ‘username’ with the relevant user’s name) will show the updated home directory for the user.

Points to Remember

  • Root Privileges: Both the `usermod` and `mkdir` commands require root privileges. Make sure you use sudo if you’re not logged in as root.
  • Existing Sessions: The changes won’t affect existing sessions. If the user is currently logged in, they need to log out and log back in to see the changes.
  • Critical Users: Be cautious while changing the home directory of critical system users such as root, as it can cause system instability.


Being able to modify a user’s home directory is a crucial skill for anyone administering Linux systems. It offers flexibility in managing disk space, enhancing security, and improving system organization. Always remember to take necessary precautions while using commands with root privileges and be careful while altering system-critical user settings.

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