Changing the default port in Angular is a straightforward process that can be essential for various reasons, such as avoiding port conflicts or setting up a specific development environment. Angular, a popular framework for building web applications, defaults to port 4200 for its development server. However, developers often need to run multiple servers simultaneously or avoid conflicts with other applications using the same port. Here’s a guide on how to change the Angular port:


1. Overview

  • Context: Angular uses a development server to serve applications locally during development.
  • Default Port: By default, Angular serves applications on port 4200.
  • Need for Change: There might be a need to change this port due to port conflicts, organizational policies, or specific development requirements.

2. Step-by-Step Guide to Change Angular Port

  1. Open Terminal or Command Prompt: Start by opening the terminal (on macOS/Linux) or command prompt (on Windows).
  2. Navigate to the Angular Project Directory: Use the cd command to navigate to your Angular project’s root directory.
    cd path/to/your/angular-project 
  3. Serve Application on a New Port: Use the ng serve command with the --port flag followed by your desired port number. For example, to change the port to 8000, the command would be:
    ng serve --port 8000 

    This command starts the development server on port 8000 instead of the default 4200.

  4. Access the Application: Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8000. Your Angular application should now be accessible on the new port.

3. Additional Considerations

  • Multiple Applications: If you’re running multiple Angular applications, each can be served on a different port using the same method.
  • Port Availability: Ensure the port you choose is free and not being used by another application.
  • Permanent Change in Configuration: To avoid specifying the port every time, you can make a permanent change in the angular.json file. Under the projects -> [your-project-name] -> architect -> serve -> options, add a new line for “port”: 8000.
    "serve": {
      "options": {
        "port": 8000,
        "host": "localhost"

4. Conclusion

Changing the port for an Angular application is a simple yet essential task for developers. It ensures flexibility and resolves conflicts in the development environment. Remember to always check for port availability before assigning a new port to your Angular application.

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