Managing databases in MySQL often requires the use of a privileged user or a super admin user who has all the permissions to read, write, update, and manage the databases. In MySQL, this is typically the ‘root’ user, but it is advisable to create separate super admin users for better security management. This article will guide you on how to create a super admin user in MySQL. It will include an explanation of each step, followed by an example to ensure a thorough understanding.



To create a super admin user in MySQL, you will need:

  1. Access to MySQL command-line interface or any MySQL interface like MySQL Workbench or phpMyAdmin.
  2. Login credentials for an account with super admin privileges (typically the ‘root’ user).
  3. Basic knowledge of SQL (Structured Query Language).

Step-by-Step Guide

Here are the steps to create a super admin user in MySQL:

Step 1: Login to MySQL

Firstly, you need to login to MySQL as the ‘root’ user or another user with sufficient privileges. The typical command to do this is:

mysql -u root -p 

You will be prompted for the root password. Enter it, and you should be logged into MySQL.

Step 2: Create a New User

The next step is to create a new user. The SQL command to create a new user is:

Replace ‘adminuser’ with your desired username and ‘password’ with a strong password. ‘localhost’ means that this user can only connect from the local machine. To allow connection from any host, use ‘%’ instead of ‘localhost’.

Step 3: Grant All Privileges

Now, to grant all privileges to this user, making them a super admin, use the GRANT command as follows:

Replace ‘adminuser’ with your username. The ‘*.*’ means all databases and all tables. The ‘WITH GRANT OPTION’ allows this user to grant privileges to other users.

Step 4: Flush Privileges

Whenever you modify the access (privileges) of a user, you should execute the FLUSH PRIVILEGES command. This command tells the server to reload the grant tables into memory so it knows about the recent changes you’ve made.

Step 5: Exit MySQL

Finally, you can exit MySQL with the following command:


Creating a super admin user in MySQL involves logging in as a super admin, creating a new user, granting them all privileges, flushing the privileges to ensure the server is updated, and then exiting MySQL. Now, you should be able to log in as your new super admin user and manage your databases.

Remember to always be cautious when assigning super admin privileges, as such users have the power to modify, drop, and create any database, which can lead to potentially catastrophic mistakes if not handled carefully. Always use strong, unique passwords for super admin users and restrict their use to necessary situations only.

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