Deploying Odoo, an open-source ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, efficiently and ensuring it runs smoothly can often be a challenge. This guide aims to simplify one crucial aspect of Odoo deployment: creating a systemd service file. Systemd is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems, which can be used to start, stop, and manage services automatically.


Why Use Systemd for Odoo?

Using systemd has several benefits:

  • Automatic Start-Up: Ensures Odoo starts automatically after a system reboot.
  • Service Management: Simplifies the process of starting, stopping, and restarting the Odoo service.
  • Logging: Provides a centralized logging system, which is crucial for troubleshooting.


  • A working installation of Odoo on a Linux server.
  • Basic understanding of Linux command line and text editing (using editors like nano, vi, etc.).

Step 1: Create the Systemd Service File

  1. Access Your Server: Log into your Linux server where Odoo is installed.
  2. Create a New File: Use a text editor to create a new file in the /etc/systemd/system/ directory. The file should be named odoo.service. For example:
  3. sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/odoo.service 
  4. In the odoo.service file, enter the following configuration:
    Requires=postgresql.service postgresql.service
    # Odoo User
    # Odoo Configuration File
    ExecStart=/path/to/odoo-server/odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo-server.conf
    # Specify the PID file
    # Restart Odoo on failure
    • Replace /path/to/odoo-server/odoo-bin with the actual path to your Odoo binary file.
    • Replace /etc/odoo-server.conf with the path to your Odoo configuration file.

Step 2: Enable and Start the Odoo Service

  • Reload Systemd: To make systemd aware of the new service, reload the systemd manager configuration. Run:
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload 
  • Enable Odoo Service: To ensure Odoo starts at boot, enable the service by running:
    sudo systemctl enable odoo.service 
  • Start Odoo Service: Start the service with:
    sudo systemctl start odoo.service 

Step 3: Verify the Service Status

To check the status of the Odoo service, use sudo systemctl status odoo.service. This command shows if the service is active and running or if there are any issues.

sudo systemctl status odoo.service 


Creating a systemd file for Odoo helps in efficiently managing the service and ensures that your Odoo installation is more robust and reliable. With this step-by-step guide, you can set up your Odoo server to automatically start on boot and keep it running smoothly.

Additional Tips

  • Regularly check logs for any errors or issues. Systemd logs can be accessed using journalctl -u odoo.service.
  • For advanced configurations, consider adding security and resource management options within your odoo.service file.
  • Always back up your configuration files before making changes.

This guide provides a fundamental approach to setting up Odoo with systemd. Depending on your specific server setup and requirements, you might need to adjust the configurations accordingly.

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