In the world of text processing on Unix-like systems, grep is an indispensable tool. Short for “Global Regular Expression Print”, grep is used for searching within files for lines that match a given pattern. In this article, we’ll focus on a specific use case of grep: extracting contents that come after a matching pattern.


What is grep?

`grep` is a command-line utility that searches through text and prints out lines that match a specified pattern. It’s widely used for searching through large logs, coding, or any text files. Regular expressions (regex), which provide a powerful way to specify patterns, are often used with grep.

Grep for Contents After a Matching Pattern

To search for contents following a specific pattern, you can use `grep` with a regular expression. Here’s the basic idea:

grep -oP 'pattern\K.*' file 
  • `-o` tells `grep` to only output the part of the line that matches the pattern.
  • `-P` enables Perl-compatible regular expressions, which are more powerful and flexible.
  • `pattern\K.*` is where the magic happens. `\K` tells `grep` to ignore everything before it in the match. `.*` then matches everything after your pattern.

Example Use Case

Suppose you have a file named `log.txt` and you want to extract all the contents after the word “Error:” in each line. Here’s how you can do it:

grep -oP 'Error:\K.*' log.txt 

This command will display everything after “Error:” on each line where it appears.

Tips and Tricks

  • Regular expressions in grep are powerful. Invest time in learning regex for more complex pattern matching.
  • Use `-i` for case-insensitive searches.
  • Combine `grep` with other commands like `awk` or `sed` for advanced text processing.


Grep is a powerful tool for text searching and manipulation. By mastering its usage, especially with regular expressions, you can perform complex text processing tasks efficiently. This tutorial on extracting contents after a matching pattern should give you a solid start in leveraging grep’s full potential.

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