In this article, we will guide you on how to install AWSCLI on an Alpine Linux environment. AWSCLI, or Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface, is a comprehensive tool that enables you to manage and control various AWS services from the command line. With AWSCLI, you can automate simple or complex tasks via scripts.


Before we begin, let’s ensure that we have an instance of Alpine Linux up and running.


  1. An instance of Alpine Linux.
  2. Root or sudo user access.
  3. Basic knowledge of the Linux command line.

Let’s start with the process.

Step 1: Update the Alpine Linux System

First, you should ensure that your system packages are up to date. Run the following commands:

sudo apk update 
sudo apk upgrade 

Step 2: Installing Python and PIP

AWSCLI is a Python application, so you need to have Python and pip (Python package installer) installed on your system. You can install them using the apk package manager with the following commands:

sudo apk add python3 py3-pip 

To verify that Python and pip are installed correctly, use the following commands:

python3 --version 
pip3 --version 

Step 3: Install AWSCLI

Now, let’s install AWSCLI using pip:

pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user 

The --upgrade flag ensures that you are installing the latest version of AWSCLI, and the --user flag installs AWSCLI in the user’s home directory.

Step 4: Add AWSCLI to Your PATH

After installation, AWSCLI will be stored in the .local/bin directory inside your home directory. To access it easily from anywhere in the terminal, you need to add this directory to your PATH.

For bash users, use the following command:

echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc 
source ~/.bashrc 

For sh or ash (default in Alpine Linux) users, use the following command:

echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.ashrc 
source ~/.ashrc 

Step 5: Verify AWSCLI Installation

You can verify if AWSCLI is correctly installed and accessible from your terminal by checking its version:

aws --version 

If everything went correctly, you should see the AWSCLI version displayed in your terminal.

Step 6: Configure AWSCLI

Before you can start using AWSCLI, you need to configure it with your AWS credentials. You can configure it with the following command:

aws configure 

It will prompt you to enter your `AWS Access Key ID`, `AWS Secret Access Key`, `default region name`, and `default output format`. You can find these details in your AWS Management Console under IAM for your user.

Remember to keep your AWS credentials confidential to prevent unauthorized access to your AWS account.


That’s it! You have successfully installed and configured AWSCLI on Alpine Linux. You can now start managing and controlling AWS services from your command line. Remember, you can always refer to the official AWS documentation if you need more detailed instructions or encounter any issues during installation or configuration.

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