Mozilla Firefox is one of the most popular web browsers in the world, known for its speed, security, and customization capabilities. By default, the Ubuntu Linux comes with Firefox in its software repositories, but sometimes you might want to ensure you’re running the latest version directly from Mozilla. This article guides you through installing the latest Firefox on Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 20.04.


You can choose one the below given methods for install Firefox on your Ubuntu system based on your requirements:

  1. Using the Default Ubuntu Repositories (Recommended)
  2. Installing Firefox Directly from Mozilla
  3. Using the Firefox Next PPA

Method 1: Using the Default Ubuntu Repositories (Recommended)

Ubuntu’s software repositories regularly receive updates for Firefox. This method ensures the best compatibility with the OS.

  1. Update Repository Information: Before you start, it’s a good idea to update your local repository information to ensure you’re getting the latest package versions.
    sudo apt update 
  2. Install Firefox: Once the repository information is updated, install Firefox using the following command:
    sudo apt install firefox 
  3. Check the Firefox Version: After installation, you can check the installed version by running:
    firefox --version 

Method 2: Installing Firefox Directly from Mozilla

If for some reason you need the absolute latest version directly from Mozilla, follow these steps. This might be needed for certain new features, but be aware there might be minor incompatibilities with Ubuntu.

  1. Download the Latest Firefox Tarball: Navigate to the official Firefox download page and get the latest version for Linux, or use wget in terminal:
    wget -O firefox-latest.tar.bz2 "" 
  2. Extract the Tarball:
    tar xjf firefox-latest.tar.bz2 
  3. Move the Extracted Files: Move the extracted files to the /opt directory, which is a standard directory for holding optional software on Linux.
    sudo mv firefox /opt/firefox-latest 
  4. Create a Symlink: To ensure the system uses the latest version, create a symlink.
    sudo ln -s /opt/firefox-latest/firefox /usr/bin/firefox 
  5. Launch Firefox: You can now launch Firefox from the terminal by typing:

Method 3: Using the Firefox Next PPA

PPA (Personal Package Archive) is a repository maintained by individuals or groups. There’s an unofficial PPA for the next versions of Firefox which can help you get updates more frequently than the official repositories.

  1. Add the PPA:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next 
  2. Update the Repository Information:
    sudo apt update 
  3. Install Firefox:
    sudo apt install firefox  


There are multiple methods to install or update Firefox on Ubuntu 20.04. For most users, the default repositories are sufficient. However, if you need the absolute latest features, you may want to consider installing directly from Mozilla or using the Firefox Next PPA. Always remember that using the latest and direct versions might come with potential instability and untested issues, so use with caution.

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