The .htaccess file is an Apache server configuration file that allows developers to manage server functionality directly from the application directory. Among the multitude of functions you can use .htaccess for, one of them is to redirect visitors to a subfolder on your website.


This article will provide a detailed guide on how you can use the .htaccess file to redirect to a subfolder.


To follow this guide, you will need:

  1. Access to your website’s server, typically via an FTP client or through cPanel.
  2. Basic understanding of server configurations and file editing.
  3. Knowledge of the exact path you want to redirect to.

Creating or Editing the .htaccess File

If your website doesn’t already have a .htaccess file in its root directory, you can create one. The .htaccess file should be placed in the directory that you want to perform the redirection from.

Using your FTP client, navigate to the root directory of your website. Check for the .htaccess file. If you do not find one, create a new file with the name “.htaccess”.

If there is an existing .htaccess file, ensure that you take a backup before making any modifications. This will allow you to revert any changes if things don’t go as planned.

Redirecting to the Subfolder

Once you have your .htaccess file ready, you can add the following code to redirect all traffic to a specific subfolder. Replace `your-subfolder` with the name of your actual subfolder:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$ your-subfolder/ [L]

This code does two things:

  • RewriteEngine on: This line enables the mod_rewrite engine, allowing for the use of URL manipulation through .htaccess.
  • RewriteRule ^$ your-subfolder/ [L]: This line redirects all requests for the root URL (signified by ^$) to your specified subfolder. The [L] flag indicates that this is the last rule to be processed if the request matches the rule.

If you want to redirect a specific page or directory to a subfolder, you can modify the RewriteRule line accordingly. For example, to redirect requests from /old-directory to /new-directory, your .htaccess file would look like this:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^old-directory$ new-directory/ [L]

Keeping the Original URL

In some cases, you might want to redirect users to a subfolder but keep the original URL in the browser’s address bar. This is useful for website migrations or when you want to keep the structure of your URL neat and clean.

To do this, you use a slightly different code:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$ /your-subfolder/ [L]

The / at the start of /your-subfolder/ ensures that the user is redirected to the subfolder, but the URL remains unchanged.


The .htaccess file is a powerful tool that can help you manage your website’s server settings without having to dive deep into server configuration files. Redirecting to a subfolder is one of its many uses, and understanding how to do it can be extremely helpful for web developers or site administrators.

Always remember to be careful when editing the .htaccess file, as even a small mistake can cause your website to become inaccessible. Always take a backup and if you’re unsure about something, seek help from a knowledgeable source or professional.

Whether you’re restructuring your site, managing a migration, or simply want to point users in a new direction, .htaccess offers an easy and effective solution to manage your website’s redirections.

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