Django, the powerhouse web framework built on Python, offers robust functionalities out-of-the-box. One of its most crucial yet sometimes overlooked features is its capability to handle configuration using environment variables. Environment variables provide a way to set up configurations outside of the codebase, thereby allowing better security and flexibility. This article aims to simplify the concept of custom environment variables in Django and provide a hands-on approach to set them up like a pro.


Why Use Environment Variables in Django?

Before we delve deep into the configurations, let’s first understand why we even need environment variables:

  • Security: Hardcoding sensitive data like API keys, database credentials, or secret keys in your code can pose significant security risks. Environment variables offer a way to keep these details outside the codebase, reducing potential vulnerabilities.
  • Flexibility: Different stages of your application (development, testing, production) might require different configurations. Environment variables make it easy to switch between these configurations without altering the code.

    Code Portability: When configurations are separate from the code, it’s easier to share or move the code without worrying about sensitive data being exposed.

Setting Up Custom Environment Variables in Django

Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up custom environment variables in Django:

1. Install python-decouple:

`python-decouple` is a great package that allows you to separate parameters from your code. You can install it using pip:

pip install python-decouple 

2. Create a .env file:

At the root of your Django project, create a `.env` file to store your environment-specific settings. For instance:


3. Use python-decouple in

Update your Django `` file to read from the `.env` file. Here’s an example for the above variables:

from decouple import config, Csv

DEBUG = config('DEBUG', default=False, cast=bool)
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
        'NAME': config('DATABASE_URL').split('/')[-1],
        'USER': config('DATABASE_URL').split('//')[1].split(':')[0],
        'PASSWORD': config('DATABASE_URL').split(':')[2].split('@')[0],
        'HOST': config('DATABASE_URL').split('@')[1].split(':')[0],
        'PORT': config('DATABASE_URL').split(':')[-1],

4. Avoid Committing .env to Version Control:

It’s very important that you don’t commit the `.env` file to version control, as it may contain sensitive information. Add .env to your `.gitignore` file to ensure it doesn’t get committed.

echo ".env" >> .gitignore 

5. Accessing Environment Variables in Code:

Whenever you want to use an environment variable in your code, use the config function from decouple:

from decouple import config

my_value = config('MY_ENV_VARIABLE', default='Some Default Value')

Setting Environment Variables in Production

In a production environment, you might not want to use a .env file for security reasons. Instead, you can set environment variables directly on the server or through the hosting platform’s interface. Once set, `python-decouple` will automatically fetch them.

Ensure All Required Variables are Defined

If an environment variable is critical and should always be defined, don’t provide a default value when using `config()`. This will cause Django to raise an error if the variable is not set, which can prevent potential security risks or misconfigurations.

Remember, environment variables are a way to separate configuration from the code, especially secrets and credentials. Always keep your environment-specific configurations separate from your codebase to ensure a secure and scalable application setup.

Tips for Effective Configuration Management in Django

  • Use .env Files: To avoid setting up environment variables manually every time, you can use `.env` files to list all variables and then load them using libraries like `python-decouple`.
  • Version Control Consideration: Never commit `.env` files or any files containing sensitive data to version control. Instead, provide a `.env.example` file with dummy data to guide other developers.
  • Variable Naming: Use clear and uppercase names for your environment variables to differentiate them from regular variables.
  • Documentation: Always document the environment variables necessary for your project. This helps onboard new developers and keeps the setup process transparent.


Custom environment variables are more than just a security feature in Django; they are a testament to the framework’s commitment to flexibility and best practices. By mastering this aspect, you not only make your Django applications more secure but also make them adaptable and robust. Happy coding!

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