The .htaccess file is a powerful configuration file used by web servers to control the behavior of websites. It can be used to perform a wide range of functions, including URL redirection, password protection, caching, and more. While .htaccess files are widely used, many website owners and developers are unaware of the full range of capabilities they offer.


In this article, we will explore 21 .htaccess tricks that everyone should know. From creating custom error pages to blocking bad bots and optimizing website performance, these tips will help you get the most out of your .htaccess file. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced web developer, these tricks will help you improve your website’s functionality and security, making it a better experience for your visitors. So, let’s get started!

  1. Redirect non-www to www

    One of the most common uses of .htaccess is to redirect non-www URLs to www URLs (or vice versa). This can help improve SEO and ensure that all traffic to your site is directed to a single domain. Here’s an example:

  2. Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

    Another common use of .htaccess is to redirect HTTP URLs to HTTPS URLs to ensure that all traffic to your site is encrypted. Here’s an example:

  3. Block IP addresses

    You can use .htaccess to block specific IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses from accessing your site. This can be useful for blocking malicious traffic or spam. Here’s an example:

  4. Password protect a directory

    You can use .htaccess to password-protect a directory on your website. This can be useful for restricting access to sensitive content or areas of your site. Here’s an example:

  5. Block hotlinking

    Hotlinking is the practice of linking to images or other content on your site from another website. This can increase bandwidth usage and decrease site performance. You can use .htaccess to block hotlinking and prevent others from stealing your content. Here’s an example:

  6. Customize error pages

    You can use .htaccess to customize the error pages that are displayed when a user encounters a 404 or other error on your site. Here’s an example:

  7. Enable gzip compression

    You can use .htaccess to enable gzip compression on your website to reduce the size of files that are transmitted to users’ browsers. Here’s an example:

  8. Disable directory browsing

    You can use .htaccess to disable directory browsing on your website to prevent users from accessing the contents of directories that do not contain an index file. Here’s an example:

  9. Set caching headers

    You can use .htaccess to set caching headers for your website to improve performance and reduce bandwidth usage. Here’s an example:

  10. Redirect a single page

    You can use .htaccess to redirect a single page on your website to another page or URL. This can be useful if you have updated the location of a page or if you want to redirect traffic from a specific page to another page. Here’s an example:

  11. Limit file types

    You can use .htaccess to limit the types of files that can be uploaded to your website. This can help prevent users from uploading malicious files or files that could be used to compromise your website. Here’s an example:

  12. Enable server-side includes

    You can use .htaccess to enable server-side includes on your website. This allows you to include common elements, such as headers and footers, on multiple pages without having to update each page individually. Here’s an example:

  13. Set default index page

    You can use .htaccess to set the default index page for directories on your website. This allows you to specify which file should be displayed when a user navigates to a directory that does not contain an index file. Here’s an example:

  14. Prevent file access

    You can use .htaccess to prevent users from accessing specific files or file types on your website. This can be useful for protecting sensitive files, such as configuration files or database backups. Here’s an example:

  15. Set PHP options

    You can use .htaccess to set PHP options for your website. This allows you to configure various aspects of PHP, such as memory limits, file upload sizes, and error reporting. Here’s an example:

  16. Rewrite URLs

    You can use .htaccess to rewrite URLs on your website to make them more user-friendly or to change the structure of your site. Here’s an example:

  17. Allow access from specific IP addresses

    You can use .htaccess to allow access to your website from specific IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses. This can be useful if you want to restrict access to your site to a specific group of users. Here’s an example:

  18. Force HTTPS

    You can use .htaccess to force your website to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. This is important for security reasons, as HTTPS encrypts data between the user’s browser and the web server. Here’s an example:

  19. Add custom error pages

    You can use .htaccess to add custom error pages to your website. This allows you to provide a more user-friendly and professional-looking error page for your visitors. Here’s an example:

  20. Set server signature

    You can use .htaccess to set the server signature for your website. The server signature is a string that identifies the web server software running on your site. By default, Apache includes the server signature in the response headers, which can give attackers information about your server. Here’s an example:

  21. Bock bad bots

    Create a list of user agents: Bots identify themselves using a user agent string. You can create a list of user agents to block in your .htaccess file. Here’s an example:

    In this example, we’re using the RewriteCond directive to check if the HTTP_USER_AGENT header matches one of our bad bots. If it does, we use the RewriteRule directive to return a 403 Forbidden error.


.htaccess is a powerful tool for configuring and securing your website. In this article, we’ve looked at 20 real-world examples of .htaccess that you can use to improve the functionality, security, and performance of your website. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, there’s something here for everyone. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your website is optimized for search engines, protected against attacks, and provides a great user experience for your visitors.

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