When working with Curl in applications that connect to servers via SSL or HTTPS, verifying the SSL certificate of the server is a default functionality. This ensures that the communication is secure and that the server is who it claims to be. However, there might be situations where ignoring or bypassing SSL certificate checks is necessary, such as in a development environment, testing, or when dealing with self-signed certificates. This article presents a detailed walkthrough on how to achieve this with Curl.


Please note: Ignoring SSL certificate checks can expose your application to security risks such as man-in-the-middle attacks. Always ensure to verify SSL certificates in production environments.

Understanding Curl and SSL Certificates

Curl is a versatile command-line tool used to transfer data from or to a server using various protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and many more. It’s available on almost any platform and is often used in scripts, batch files, or as part of a developer’s toolset.

SSL certificates, on the other hand, are digital certificates that provide authentication for a website and enable an encrypted connection. These certificates communicate to the client that the web service host demonstrated ownership of the domain to the certificate authority at the time of certificate issuance.

Ignoring SSL Certificates with Curl

The process of ignoring SSL certificate checks is straightforward with Curl. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Open your Terminal: Depending on your operating system, this could be Command Prompt for Windows, Terminal for macOS, or a Shell in Linux.
  2. Enter the Curl command: If you want to ignore SSL certificates, you need to include the -k or --insecure option in your curl command.

    For instance, if you want to send a GET request to a server, you would normally use:

    curl https://example.com 

    To send the same request but ignore the SSL certificate check, use:

    curl -k https://example.com 
    curl --insecure https://example.com 
  3. Execute the Curl command: After entering the curl command with the -k or --insecure option, hit the Enter key to execute the command.

Dealing with Curl in Programming Languages

In many programming languages, Curl is used as a library, such as libcurl in C and PHP/cURL in PHP. The process of ignoring SSL certificate checks is slightly different in these situations:

C (libcurl)

In C, when using libcurl, you’d ignore the SSL certificate checks by setting the `CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER` option to `0`.


In PHP, using the cURL extension, you can disable SSL certificate verification by setting the `CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER` option to false:

Python (requests)

While Python does not have a direct equivalent to Curl, it has the popular requests library which is used for making HTTP requests. Like Curl, requests verifies SSL certificates for HTTPS requests by default. You can tell requests to stop verifying the SSL certificate by setting the verify parameter to False.

Here’s how you can do this:

Please note that when you make a request with SSL verification turned off, requests will warn you with an `InsecureRequestWarning`. You can suppress this warning, but it’s not recommended as it’s there to alert you to a potentially insecure situation.

Security Implications

While ignoring SSL certificate checks can be useful in certain scenarios, it’s crucial to be aware of the security implications. Doing so bypasses the verification of the server’s identity, which can expose your application to man-in-the-middle attacks. For this reason, ignoring SSL certificate checks should be done sparingly and only in controlled environments.

Always ensure that in production environments, SSL certificate checks are performed to maintain the security integrity of your application.


Ignoring SSL certificate checks with Curl can be done effortlessly, whether you’re using the Curl command line or in various programming languages. Remember to use this option with caution and ensure it is off in production environments to keep your applications secure. With a better understanding of how to control SSL certificate checks, you have more tools at your disposal for managing your connections.

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