In the realm of secure file transfers, using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) with FileZilla is a trusted method for encrypting data in transit. A critical part of setting up SFTP connections is the use of SSH keys, which enhance security by offering a more secure alternative to password authentication. This guide will walk you through the process of importing your private SSH key into FileZilla, enabling you to establish a secure connection to your server.



Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  • The latest version of FileZilla installed on your computer.
  • An SSH key pair. If you do not have one, you can generate a pair using tools like ssh-keygen on Linux or macOS, or PuTTYgen on Windows.
  • Access to your server’s SSH settings to add your public key.

Step 1: Access FileZilla Site Manager

Open FileZilla and navigate to the Site Manager:

  1. Click on “File” in the menu bar.
  2. Select “Site Manager” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on “New Site” to create a new connection or select an existing one to modify.

Step 2: Configure Your Site

In the Site Manager:

  1. Enter your server’s IP address or hostname in the “Host” field.
  2. Set the “Protocol” dropdown to “SFTP – SSH File Transfer Protocol”.
  3. In the “Logon Type” dropdown, select “Key file”.

Step 3: Add Your Private SSH Key

After selecting “Key file” as the logon type:

  1. In the “User” field, enter your SSH username.
  2. Click on “Browse” next to the “Key file” field to locate your private SSH key on your computer.
  3. In dialog box, select your key format “PPK files (*.ppk)” or “PEM files (*.pem)”.
  4. Select your private key file and click “Open”.

Step 5: Connect to Your Server

With your private SSH key loaded:

  1. Click “Connect” in the Site Manager.
  2. If prompted, trust the server’s host key by clicking “OK”.

Step 6: Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues connecting:

  • Verify your server’s IP address and your SSH username.
  • Ensure your public SSH key is correctly added to the server.
  • Check if the server requires a passphrase for the SSH key and enter it if prompted.


By importing your private SSH key into FileZilla, you’ve taken a significant step towards securing your file transfers. This method not only enhances security but also simplifies the connection process by eliminating the need for password authentication each time. Keep your private key secure, and enjoy a more secure file transfer experience with FileZilla.



  1. Saravana Kumar on

    Unable to add Private key..After browsed Private..trying to add key..but no response after selecting PPk file

    • You can generate the private using keygen command from your server or you can also use putty keygen software to generate the public and private key.

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