Angular is a versatile open-source web application framework developed by Google, used for building efficient and scalable single-page applications. This tutorial will guide you through setting up Angular on a Fedora system.


Before we begin, it’s important to note that Angular requires Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) to be installed on your system. We’ll also cover these installations.

Step 1: Update Your System

Firstly, ensure your Fedora system is up to date by running the following commands:

sudo dnf update 

Step 2: Install Node.js and npm

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that is required for Angular to function. npm is a package manager for Node.js and it is also needed for installing Angular.

To install Node.js and npm, use the following command:

sudo dnf install nodejs npm 

After the installation, you can verify the installed versions of Node.js and npm by running the following commands:

node --version 
npm --version 

This will output the installed versions of Node.js and npm respectively.

Step 3: Install Angular CLI

Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool that helps to initialize, develop, scaffold, and maintain Angular applications directly from a command shell.

Install Angular CLI globally by running the following command:

sudo npm install -g @angular/cli 

You can verify the successful installation of Angular CLI by checking the version:

ng version 

This should display the installed version of Angular CLI.

Step 4: Create a New Angular Project

Once Angular CLI is installed, you can create a new Angular project using the following command:

ng new my-app 

Replace ‘my-app’ with your desired application name. This command will create a new directory named ‘my-app’ and install the necessary Angular files to start your project.

Step 5: Serve Your Application

To start your newly created Angular application, navigate to the new project folder and use the ng serve command.

cd my-app 
ng serve 

By default, the application will be served at http://localhost:4200/. Open this URL in your web browser, and you should see your Angular application running.

Step 6: Build Your Application for Production

Once you’re ready to prepare your application for deployment, you can use the `ng build` command. This command will create a ‘dist/’ directory in your project folder with the compiled Angular application.

ng build --prod 

The --prod flag is used to ensure that the application is optimized for a production environment.

That’s it! You’ve now successfully set up Angular on your Fedora system.


By following this tutorial, you have successfully set up Angular on a Fedora system. Starting from updating your system to installing Node.js and npm, to eventually setting up Angular CLI and creating your first Angular project, you have gone through the crucial steps of preparing your Fedora system for Angular development.

Now, you have all the necessary tools and environment ready to dive deep into Angular and build highly interactive single-page applications. The powerful features provided by Angular, coupled with the utility of the Angular CLI, will help you streamline your development process.

n conclusion, setting up Angular on Fedora sets the foundation for an exciting journey into frontend web development. Keep exploring, keep coding, and enjoy the process of creating with Angular!

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