Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is an essential tool in modern web development, particularly for developers working with the Angular framework. It streamlines the process of initiating, developing, testing, and deploying Angular applications. This tutorial is written for users operating on macOS, a popular platform among web developers due to its robust performance and developer-friendly environment.


1. Prerequisites

Let’s start the installation of Node.js on your macOS system using Homebrew. So first update the Homebrew package manager index. Then you can install Node.js package in your MacOS system using the following command:

brew update 
brew install node 

You have successfully installed Node.js on your system. Execute below command on the terminal to view the installed Node.js version info.

node -v 

2. Install Angular CLI on macOS

After installing the Node.js and npm on your system, use the following commands to install the Angular CLI tool on your system globally.

npm install -g @angular/cli 

This command will install the latest available Angular CLI version on your macOS system. If you need any other Angular version on your macOS use one of the following commands as per required version.

npm install -g @angular/cli@17 

Angular CLI package provides a command ng used for command-line operations. Let’s check the installed version of ng on your system.

ng --version

install angular cli on macos

3. Create a New Angular Application

Now, create a new Angular application using the Angular CLI tools. Execute the commands to do this:

ng new my-angular-app 

Replace “my-angular-app” with your application name. The command will prompt for a few options to custom your environment. Once done, a directory will be created the the provided application name in your current directory containing application files.

4. Running the Application

You can use ng serve to run your application on development environment. Follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate into Project:
    cd my-angular-app 
  2. Serve the Application: Inside your project directory, run:
    ng serve 
  3. Access in Browser: Open a web browser and visit http://localhost:4200. You should see your new Angular app running.
  4. You can change host and port for running Angular application by providing --host and --port command line arguments.
    ng serve --host --port 8080 

    The host address listens on all interfaces.

5. Additional Commands

Additionally, you can use ng command to generate components, build application for production and many more options:

  1. Generating Components, Services, and More:
    ng generate component my-component 
  2. Building for Production:
    ng build --prod 

6. Conclusion

Angular CLI is a robust tool that simplifies the Angular development process. By following these steps, you can set up Angular CLI on your macOS and start building Angular applications efficiently.



  1. I have been trying to angular cli installed on mac os but it keeps coming up with command not found: ng. Below are notes from what I followed in this guide and it seems like everything should have loaded but I still get command not found. This seems like it could be more of an issue with npm or something but I don’t know how to fix it. Do you have any steps for how to resolve this so that ng will run?

    @Macs-Mac ~ % brew -v
    Homebrew 2.5.0
    Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision d1c83d; last commit 2020-09-12)
    @Macs-Mac ~ % node -v
    @Macs-Mac ~ % npm install -g @angular/cli
    npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated, see
    npm WARN deprecated har-validator@5.1.5: this library is no longer supported
    /Users//npm-global/bin/ng -> /Users//npm-global/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng

    > @angular/cli@10.1.2 postinstall /Users//npm-global/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli
    > node ./bin/postinstall/script.js

    + @angular/cli@10.1.2
    updated 1 package in 8.494s

    @Macs-Mac ~ % ng -v
    zsh: command not found: ng

    @Macs-Mac ~ % cd /Users//npm-global/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/bin
    @Macs-Mac bin % ls
    ng postinstall

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