Banshee is an Open source media player used for play your music and videos. Keep up with your podcasts and Internet radio. Discover new music and podcasts. It is simple enough to enjoy. Banshee is written in C# and its uses the Mono platform on Linux using GNOME technologies (Gtk#, GStreamer, etc), and SQLite.


This article will help you to Install Banshee Media Player on Fedora 20/19/18 systems.

Install Banshee on Fedora

Banshee media player is available in fedora default repositories, So you can simply install it using below command.

# yum install banshee

Banshee package will also install mono platform packages and mono is the primary requirements of it.

Start Banshee Media Player

To start Banshee media player, you can use menu option or using following command to start it.

# banshee


Congratulation’s you have successfully installed Banshee media player on Fedora. Let’s enjoy music with Linux.


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