Google Chrome is a powerful, fast, and popular web browser known for its minimalist design and robust suite of features. While Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) systems come with a default web browser (Firefox in most instances), many users opt for Google Chrome due to its compatibility, extensions, and synchronization capabilities.


In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps necessary to install Google Chrome on Fedora and RHEL systems. Let’s get started!


  • A system running Fedora or other RHEL-based system.
  • Sudo or root access
  • An active internet connection

1. Setting up Google Chrome Repository

Before installing Chrome, it’s a good idea to set up the Google Chrome repository to ensure you’re getting the latest version directly from Google.

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Create a new repo file by typing:
    sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/google-chrome.repo 
  3. Add the following lines to the file:

    Save the file and exit (using CTRL+O to save and CTRL+X to exit if you’re using nano).

2. Installing Google Chrome on Linux

Now that the repository is set up, it’s time to install Google Chrome.

2.1. Update your system:

sudo dnf update 

2.2 Install Google Chrome:

  • For Stable Version:
    sudo dnf install google-chrome-stable 
  • For Beta Version:
    sudo dnf install google-chrome-beta 
  • For Unstable (Developer’s Version):
    sudo dnf install google-chrome-unstable 

3. Launching Google Chrome

After installation, you can start Google Chrome in a few different ways:

  • From Terminal: Simply type google-chrome and hit enter.
  • From the GUI: Navigate to the Applications menu and locate Google Chrome in the list. Click on it to launch.

install Google Chrome on Fedora and RHEL

4. Creating a Desktop Shortcut (Optional)

If you’d like a desktop shortcut for easier access:

  1. Navigate to /usr/share/applications/.
  2. Find the Google Chrome entry.
  3. Drag and drop it onto your desktop or right-click and select ‘Copy to Desktop’.

5. Keeping Chrome Updated

Thanks to the repository setup earlier, keeping Google Chrome updated is as simple as updating your system packages:

sudo dnf update 


Installing Google Chrome on Fedora and RHEL systems is straightforward and gives users access to a powerful browsing tool. Whether you’re using it for personal or professional purposes, Chrome offers a wide range of features and extensions to enhance your browsing experience.

Always remember to periodically back up your system, especially before making significant changes or installations. Happy browsing!



  1. hi friends
    can you suggest the how to update chrome on rhel6. my chrme version is 10.0 and i want to update chrome 51. can you write step

    • Can’t update google-chrome on Fedora 17 anymore either.

      Dependency errors:
      # yum update google-chrome-beta
      Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
      Resolving Dependencies
      –> Running transaction check
      —> Package google-chrome-beta.x86_64 0:49.0.2623.47-1 will be updated
      —> Package google-chrome-beta.x86_64 0:54.0.2840.50-1 will be an update
      –> Processing Dependency: for package: google-chrome-beta-54.0.2840.50-1.x86_64
      –> Processing Dependency: for package: google-chrome-beta-54.0.2840.50-1.x86_64
      –> Finished Dependency Resolution
      Error: Package: google-chrome-beta-54.0.2840.50-1.x86_64 (google-chrome)
      Error: Package: google-chrome-beta-54.0.2840.50-1.x86_64 (google-chrome)
      You could try using –skip-broken to work around the problem
      You could try running: rpm -Va –nofiles –nodigest

      # yum list nss
      Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
      Installed Packages
      nss.x86_64 3.14.3-2.fc17 @updates
      Available Packages
      nss.i686 3.14.3-2.fc17 updates

  2. this is not work . the error is Aborted (core dumped)..
    when i execute google-chrome error message like this Aborted (core dumped)…
    some one give me solution ..

  3. I tried to upgrade from Chrome 42 to the latest ( a big mistake it as turned out). After the upgrade, the only thing I see is “Aw, Snap!” on all pages including ‘settings’. Please help resolve it. I am using scientific linux 6.x. Thanks.

    • Searching the internet, I found the solution to the “Aw, Snap!” problem. The command “google-chrome -no-sandbox &” did the trick . Chrome still complains that this is an unsupported option, but still works.

  4. As of today (2015-09-02), this script installs Chrome 45 which is COMPLETELY BROKEN. ALL WEB PAGES SAY “Aw, Snap”. No plug-ins can be loaded. PLEASE HELP US REVERT TO CHROME 44!!!

  5. hi
    I have an issue on my Centos 6.4, after running the script and upgrading to version 39
    The google chrome wont open, its just not producing anything !

    Some testers in my company wanted some other chrome version and I have run the script for a new version, But it screwed up everything 🙁
    I cant even run the older chrome after uninstalling the script
    The older chrome gives different error after running it.
    “Failed to move to new PID namespace:
    Operation not permitted”

    Please someone help, I screwed up our jenkins test server 🙁

    • I struggled with the same issue for a week and found that google chrome opened magically without
      any problem after I did “rm -rf ~/.config/google-chrome/*”.

      Try it and hope it helps you.

  6. hi manoj and wei,
    I have the same issue on my Centos 6.4.
    The google chrome wont open, its just producing anything !

    Some testers in my company wanted some other chrome version and I have run the script for a new version, But it screwed up everything 🙁
    I cant even run the older chrome after uninstalling the script
    The older chrome gives different error after running it.
    “Failed to move to new PID namespace:
    Operation not permitted”

    Please someone help, I screwed up our jenkins test server.

  7. I installed the latest Chrome with the on my RHEL6.6. When I started Chrome either by clicking at the Chrome icon or running command “google-chrome”, it just hung there. I edited the /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome by adding “echo …” at various points; then ran “google-chrome”. It turned out the script stuck at this line:
    exec > >(exec cat)
    After I commented out the above line, it stuck at the last line “exec -a ….”..
    After I commented this line “exec 2> >(exec cat >&2)”, it hung again with the following error message:] Failed to create /wei/.pki/nssdb directory.
    However, the new /wei/.pki/nssdb was created.

    How to fix this?

    • In addition to comment out these two lines in /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome: exec > >(exec cat) and exec 2> >(exec cat >&2), I also disabled SELinux as suggested in some postings here. Now Google Chrome is running, but still has following error messages:

      /opt/google/chrome/nacl_helper: /usr/lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15′ not found (required by /opt/google/chrome/nacl_helper)
      [1:1:1105/] Bad NaCl helper startup ack (0 bytes)
      libGL error: failed to open drm device: Permission denied
      libGL error: failed to load driver: r600
      [17530:17572:1105/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)
      [17530:17572:1105/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)
      [17530:17572:1105/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)
      [17530:17572:1105/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)
      [17530:17572:1105/] RawChannel read error (connection broken)

  8. hey after successfull instalation on centos 6.0 i am nt able to open chrome after double click its not opening its getting stuck.

  9. I cannot start google chrome version 38.0.2125.104 on RHEL 6.5.

    me@host ~ $ uname -a
    Linux host 2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 16 01:56:35 EDT 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Every attempt results in this following error in dmesg:

    cat[15941]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp 00007fff4dc70a08 error 4 in cat[400000+b000]
    cat[15942]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp 00007fff0fa65428 error 4 in cat[400000+b000]
    lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions
    SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts

    I can see that chrome-sandbox is a zombie process. Two copies of /opt/google/chrome/chrome are stoped. These 3 processes will duplicate for every attempt I attempt to start google-chrome-stable.

    Any ideas? Is this a known issue?

  10. I’ve been trying to get this work for quite awhile but I can’t even seem to download the script with wget. I’m getting 400 bad request errors. I’ve tried just downloading the script through the browser but then it seems unable to wget version.dat. Any ideas as to why?

  11. Hi,
    I install google chrome in my VPS (I have CentOS 6.5) but, I receive next error: Failed to move to new namespace: PID namespaces supported, Network namespace supported, but failed: errno = Operation not permitted

    A idea?

    Best Regards,

  12. wow, never though this much easy installaing chrome on my centos 6.5 box. thanks so much for the lessons.

  13. Hello,
    I have error in lanch

    LaunchProcess: failed to execvp:
    [1:1:0723/] Bad NaCl helper startup ack (0 bytes)
    Abandon (core dumped)

    in RedHat last version of nss (nss-3.16.1-4.el6_5.x86_64)

    A idea ?
    Thanks and Best Regards

    • You have to switch from the root user.

      If you are on the terminal then, “su username” then type your password or you can also log off root from the GUI and log on a regular user. Now open the terminal and type in “google-chorme &” and everything should just work fine.

  14. Vinay Gajendra on

    Hi Rahul,

    Ignore privious one.

    Please help me out.when i fire command google-chrome or google-chrome &
    showing bash: google-chrome: command not found
    note : SElinux is already in permissive mode.


  15. Hi Friends,

    I have tried it with above mention but we are getting below error.
    [root@dhcppc4 ~]# google-chrome
    [0627/] Failed to create /root/.pki/nssdb directory.

    Kindly help us regarding this.

    Manoj Gupta

      • Hi Rahul,

        Thanks, It ‘s now working… but is it possible, we will created any selinux access rule and it will work without disable selinux ?

        Manoj gupta

  16. Dinesh Koirala on

    i am using red hat linux 6 but the chrome install on my computer as proceed above but did not show where it install and doenot start too?

  17. Thanks for the work and sharing the script. I was able to get chrome 33.0 up & running on RHEL6.4.
    I am, however, having an issue getting google hangouts/voice/video plugin working. I’ve installed the 64bit rpm, I see it in about:plugins, yet when I try hangouts, or try to make a call, I get the message that I need to download the voice plugin.
    Anyone else seeing this, have a recommended fix?

  18. Thanks for mentioning my script, but I should warn people that you really need to be on at least CentOS 6.4 for the latest Google Chrome to work correctly. I’ve tested 6.0-6.3 and they *all* have various issues trying to run Google Chrome. Hence, my advice is to follow what the script suggests and upgrade to beyond 6.3 (i.e. “yes” to any upgrade prompt the script gives you and not the “no” that this article suggests as a possibility).

    • Hi Diego,

      Newer version of Google chrome are no more supported CentOS 5. We recommend to upgrade to CentOS 6.

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