Opera is a popular web browser with a large number of users. It’s is a secure, fast web browser available for mobile as well as desktop systems. This browser provides an inbuild VPN for secure browsing for its users.


You can directly download the Opera web browser RPM packages from its official website. Also, it can be installed using the Snap packages. This tutorial will help you to install Opera in CentOS, RedHat (RHEL), and Fedora systems.

Installing Opera in Fedora/CentOS

Choose one of the below methods for installing Opera Web browser on a Linux system.

Method 1 – Installing Opera with RPM

First of all, we need to download opera packages based on your system architecture and operating system version.

wget https://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/desktop/78.0.4093.112/linux/opera-stable_78.0.4093.112_amd64.rpm 

After downloading the required opera package as per your operating system, let’s install it using the system package manager as per the following commands. This will also install any required dependencies for Opera installation.

sudo dnf install opera-stable_78.0.4093.112_amd64.rpm 

This will successfully install the Opera browser on your desktop system.

Method 2 – Installing Opera with Snap Pacakge

Make sure the Snapd daemon is running on your desktop system. Generally, the latest Linux systems have it installed by default.

Use the following command to install the latest stable version of the Opera browser.

sudo snap install opera 

To install the latest (edge) version, execute the following command.

sudo snap install opera --edge 

Launch Opera Browser

At this stage, you have successfully installed the opera web browser in your system. Let’s launch the opera browser by using the below command or use x-windows menus.

Opera on Linux


In this tutorial, you have learned to install Opera Web Browser on Fedora and CentOS Linux desktop systems.



  1. There are 2 dependencies that need to be installed, before installing opera.
    apt install libcurl3
    apt install apt-transport-https

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