Wine 8.0 Stable Released. The wine team has announced the latest stable release 8.0. Its source code, as well as the Debian packages for Linux Mint, is available on its official site. You may also use the package manager to install wine. Wine is an Open Source implementation of the Windows API and will always be free software. Approximately half of the source code is written by its volunteers, and the remaining effort is sponsored by commercial interests, especially CodeWeavers.


This article will help you to install Wine 8.0 Stable Release on LinuxMint systems using the PPA.

Step 1: Configure PPA

First of all, If you are running with a 64-bit system enable 32-bit architecture. Also, install the key which was used to sign packages of wine.

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add - 

Use one of the following commands to enable the Wine apt repository in your system based on your operating system and version.

### Linuxmint 21.x 
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb jammy main' 

### Linuxmint 20.x 
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb focal main' 

### Linuxmint 19.x 
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb bionic main' 

For Linux Mint 19 and the previous version, you will get the older version of Wine to be installed.

Step 2: Installing Wine on LinuxMint

Use the below commands to install Wine packages from the apt repository. The –install-recommends option will install all the recommended packages for the “winehq-stable” on your system.

sudo apt update 
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable 

Press ‘y’ while prompted for confirmation. This will install a large number of packages for dependencies on your system. So the installation may take more time to complete.

Step 3: Verify Installation

Wine installation successfully completed. Use the following command to check the version of wine installed on your system

wine --version 


Step 4: Running Windows Application

To use wine we need to log in to the GUI desktop of your Ubuntu system. After that Download, a windows .exe file like PuTTY on your system and open it with Wine as below screenshot or use following command.

wine ~/Downloads/putty.exe 

You can also launch by right click on the application and click Open With Wine Windows Program.


This tutorial explained you to how to install Wine 8.0 on the Linux Mint systems. You can install it using a personal package archive (PPA) or compile it directly from the source code.

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