In the realm of Node.js application development, Yarn emerges as a sophisticated package management tool, offering a blend of speed, security, and reliability unparalleled by other Node.js package managers. This comprehensive tutorial is designed to guide you through various techniques for installing Yarn on Amazon Linux systems, ensuring you can leverage its full potential to manage your project’s dependencies efficiently.


You can choose any one of the following methods to install Yarn on Amazon Linux 2 machine:

Method 1: Installation of Yarn via NPM (Node Package Manager)

Yarn is readily available for installation using NPM, a widely-used package manager in the Node.js ecosystem. This method is particularly straightforward and can be accomplished by executing a simple command. To install Yarn globally across your system, thereby making it accessible from any project directory, use the following command:

sudo npm install yarn -g

For those looking to install Yarn for a specific project only, omitting the -g option will localize the installation to the current project directory. Following the installation, you can verify the installed version of Yarn by running:

yarn -v

This command will display the installed version of Yarn, such as 1.19.1, confirming the successful installation.

Method 2: Installing Yarn Using a Official Script Installer

This approach is highly recommended for users seeking an efficient and reliable method to install Yarn. By downloading and executing a script, Yarn is installed directly into your system. The script performs the download of the Yarn archive, followed by its extraction into the .yarn directory located within your home directory. Furthermore, it conveniently configures the PATH environment variable, ensuring Yarn commands are easily accessible. To install Yarn using this method, execute the following command:

curl -o- -L | bash

This method ensures Yarn is installed for the current user only, maintaining a clean and user-specific installation.

Method 3: Yarn Installation via Yum Package Manager

For those familiar with the Yum package manager, Yarn offers an official repository, allowing for a seamless installation process. First, configure the Yarn repository on your Amazon Linux system with the following command:

curl -sL -o /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo

Once the repository is configured, Yarn can be installed by executing:

sudo yum install yarn

This method utilizes Yum’s package management capabilities to install Yarn, integrating it into your system’s package ecosystem.


By selecting one of the aforementioned methods to install Yarn on your Amazon Linux system, you’re equipped to harness the full suite of features Yarn offers. Whether it’s the speed of dependency management, the security of package installations, or the reliability of its vast package ecosystem, Yarn stands out as a superior choice for Node.js developers. This tutorial aims to empower you with the knowledge and steps necessary to integrate Yarn into your development workflow, ensuring your projects benefit from its advanced capabilities.

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