Detecting a web browser type can be quite useful for tailoring user experience to different browsers. However, it’s worth noting that browser detection is usually not recommended as the best approach in most cases. This is because the Web is designed to be platform-independent, and well-designed websites should provide a consistent user experience across all browsers. This method can also create more work for developers and result in code that’s harder to maintain as it has to be updated whenever new browsers are released.


Detect Web Browser using JavaScript

Here is an sample JavaScript function that detects the popular web browsers these days.

function getBrowser() {
    let userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
    let browser = "Unknown";
    // Detect Chrome
    if (/Chrome/.test(userAgent) && !/Chromium/.test(userAgent)) {
        browser = "Google Chrome";
    // Detect Chromium-based Edge
    else if (/Edg/.test(userAgent)) {
        browser = "Microsoft Edge";
    // Detect Firefox
    else if (/Firefox/.test(userAgent)) {
        browser = "Mozilla Firefox";
    // Detect Safari
    else if (/Safari/.test(userAgent)) {
        browser = "Apple Safari";
    // Detect Internet Explorer
    else if (/Trident/.test(userAgent)) {
        browser = "Internet Explorer";
    return browser;

// Use the function
console.log("You are using " + getBrowser());

This script uses the JavaScript test() method for regex, which returns a boolean indicating whether the pattern is found in the string or not.

The script checks for the following browsers in this order: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, and Internet Explorer. If none of these browsers are identified, the function defaults to “Unknown”.

While this script does detect the most commonly used browsers as of the time of writing, please note that there are many other browsers available, and new ones may be introduced over time. This script will need to be updated to detect any new browsers that become popular.

Another important point to note is that the navigator.userAgent property can be changed by users or may not reflect the actual browser in use, especially when some users are using browser modes to emulate other browsers. Hence, it should not be fully relied on for critical functionality.


In conclusion, JavaScript provides tools to detect a user’s web browser, but they should be used sparingly and with a full understanding of their limitations. The best practice is to design websites that are accessible and consistent across all platforms and browsers.

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