One of the most powerful aspects of Linux and Unix-based systems is their command-line interface (CLI). The CLI enables users to execute tasks with an unparalleled level of precision and control. Among the many tasks that can be performed via the command line, process management is arguably one of the most crucial.


Process management includes starting, stopping, suspending, and resuming processes. However, there are times when a process may not respond as expected or become resource-intensive, leading to system slowdown or even a crash. At such times, it becomes necessary to forcefully terminate or ‘kill’ the process. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to kill a process by its ID in Linux.

Identify the Process ID (PID)

Before we can kill a process, we need to know its Process ID (PID). This is a unique numerical identifier assigned by the system to each running process. We can use the ps or top command to list the processes and their respective PIDs.

The simplest form of the ps command is:


This will show a list of processes running in the current shell. For a more detailed output, you can use the aux options:

ps aux  

Alternatively, you can use the top command to get a real-time, interactive view of the running processes:


Locate the PID of the process you wish to kill in the list generated by either command.

Killing a Process by ID

Once we’ve identified the PID of the process we wish to terminate, we can use the kill command, followed by the PID:

kill PID 

Replace “PID” with the actual process ID. This sends a TERM (terminate) signal to the process, which is a polite request to the process to shut itself down.

However, not all processes respond to the TERM signal, especially if they’re unresponsive or in a ‘frozen’ state. In such cases, we can send a KILL signal, which is less polite and forcefully ends the process:

kill -9 PID 

The -9 option sends the KILL signal, which can’t be ignored by the process.

Remember to use these commands wisely, as forcing a process to terminate can potentially lead to data loss or other unexpected behavior.

Alternative: Using the pkill Command

An alternative to kill is the pkill command, which can terminate a process by its name rather than its PID. However, since our focus is on killing processes by PID, you can also use pkill with the -P option and the parent process’s PID to kill child processes:

pkill -P PPID 

Replace “PPID” with the parent process ID.


Process management is a fundamental part of Linux system administration. Understanding how to kill a process by its PID is a useful skill that can help maintain system performance and stability. However, it’s important to exercise caution when terminating processes, as inappropriate use of the kill command can lead to system instability or data loss. Always ensure to identify the correct PID of the problematic process before attempting to kill it.

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