Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is widely used in various applications, from web development to data analysis. In this article, we’ll explore how to write a Python program that lists all files in a specified directory. This operation can be quite useful in several contexts, such as when you need to organize files, analyze directory content, or perform batch operations on multiple files.



Before we start, ensure that you have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website ( As of the last update of this article in July 2023, the latest stable release is Python 3.11.

Using the os module

Python provides several built-in modules to interact with the operating system. The `os` module is one of them, containing a range of functions to interact with the file system and manipulate paths, directories, and files.

Here is a simple Python script that uses the `os` module to list all files in a directory:

In the above script, the `os.scandir()` function is used to get an iterator of `os.DirEntry` objects corresponding to the entries in the given directory path. The `os.DirEntry` objects have several useful methods and attributes, including `is_file()` and name. The `is_file()` method is used to check if the entry is a file, and name gives us the name of the entry.

Replace ‘/path/to/directory’ with the actual path of your directory.

Using the glob module

Python’s `glob` module is another useful tool when dealing with files and directories. It uses Unix shell-style wildcards to match file and directory paths.

Here’s an example of how to use the `glob` module to list all files in a directory:

In the above script, `glob.glob(directory_path + ‘/*’)` returns a list of paths in the specified directory. The `/*` part ensures that we get all the files. Note that `glob.glob()` also returns directories, but unlike the `os.scandir()`, it returns the full path of the file or directory.

Using the pathlib module

`pathlib` is another built-in Python module for dealing with file paths. It’s object-oriented and was introduced in Python 3.4. Below is an example of using the `pathlib` module to list all files in a directory:

The `Path()` function is used to create a Path object, and the `iterdir()` method is used to iterate over the files and directories in the path. Just like with the `os` module, we use `is_file()` to check if the entry is a file.


In this article, we discussed how to list all files in a directory using Python. We explored three built-in Python modules (os, glob, and pathlib) that provide functionalities to interact with the file system. Remember that each of these modules has its strengths and can be used according to your specific needs. While os and pathlib provide a more object-oriented way to interact with the operating system, glob is better suited for pattern matching in file paths.

As always with Python, the right approach to use depends on your specific needs and preferences.

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