In the realm of Linux, managing file systems and data storage efficiently is a fundamental skill for users and administrators alike. One particularly useful technique involves automounting remote shares, allowing for seamless access to network storage as if it were local. This guide will walk you through the process of using the /etc/fstab file to automate the mounting of remote shares, enhancing your Linux system’s connectivity and data management capabilities.


Understanding /etc/fstab

Before diving into the specifics of automounting remote shares, it’s crucial to understand what /etc/fstab is. The File System Table, or fstab, is a configuration file in Linux that contains information about various file systems and storage devices. It instructs the Linux system on how to handle these devices and partitions at boot time or when manually mounting/unmounting.


  • Root Access: Modifying /etc/fstab requires root permissions.
  • Network Connectivity: Ensure your Linux system is connected to the network where the remote shares are located.
  • Remote Share Details: Know the details of the remote share you intend to mount, including the network protocol (e.g., NFS, SMB), server address, share name, and any required credentials.

Step 1: Installing Necessary Packages

Depending on the protocol used by your remote share, you might need to install additional utilities. For NFS shares, install the NFS client, and for SMB/CIFS shares, ensure you have cifs-utils installed.

# For NFS

sudo apt install nfs-common


sudo apt install cifs-utils

Step 2: Backing Up /etc/fstab

Before making any changes, it’s wise to backup the existing fstab file to prevent any accidental data loss.

sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup

Step 3: Editing /etc/fstab

Open /etc/fstab in your preferred text editor with root permissions. You will add a new line at the end of the file that describes your remote share.


server_address:/path/to/nfs/share /local/mount/point nfs defaults 0 0

Replace server_address with the IP address or hostname of the NFS server, /path/to/nfs/share with the path to the NFS share on the server, and /local/mount/point with the local directory where you want the share to be mounted.


//server_address/share_name /local/mount/point cifs username=user,password=pass,iocharset=utf8 0 0

Replace server_address with the server’s IP address or hostname, share_name with the name of the SMB share, /local/mount/point with the local directory for the mount, and user and pass with your SMB credentials.

Step 4: Creating Mount Point and Testing

Create the local directory that will serve as the mount point for your remote share.

sudo mkdir -p /local/mount/point

Test the mount operation without rebooting to ensure there are no errors.

sudo mount -a

If there are no errors, your remote share should now be accessible at the local mount point you specified.

Step 5: Automounting at Boot

Once you’ve confirmed the share mounts successfully, it will automatically mount at boot time, thanks to the entry in /etc/fstab. No further action is required unless you need to edit the mount options or add additional shares.


Automounting remote shares using /etc/fstab is a powerful way to integrate network storage into your Linux environment seamlessly. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure your remote shares are automatically available upon system startup, providing convenient and immediate access to your network resources. Always remember to backup your fstab file before making changes, and test configurations to avoid system boot issues. With this knowledge, you’re well-equipped to enhance your Linux system’s connectivity and data management efficiency.

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