When working with MySQL from the command line, users often encounter the warning message “mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.” This warning is displayed by MySQL to caution users about the potential security risks associated with passing passwords directly in command line instructions. While this behavior is intended to promote better security practices, there are scenarios where suppressing this warning is desired, especially in scripts or automated tasks where exposure risk is managed through other means. Below, we outline methods to suppress this warning, ensuring that your workflows remain efficient without compromising on security.


Method 1: Use a Configuration File

The most secure method to avoid this warning is to use a MySQL configuration file where you can store your database credentials securely.

  1. Create a my.cnf File: You can create a .my.cnf file in your home directory with the necessary credentials. Make sure the file has strict permissions (e.g., 600) to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Run Your MySQL Command: With the configuration file in place, you can run your MySQL commands without specifying the password on the command line, thus avoiding the warning.
    $ mysql --defaults-file=~/path/to/.my.cnf

Method 2: Using MYSQL_PWD Environment Variable

Though not recommended for production environments due to the potential exposure of sensitive information, you can use an environment variable to hold the password temporarily.

$ export MYSQL_PWD='mypassword'
$ mysql -u myuser -h localhost

Remember to unset the MYSQL_PWD environment variable immediately after use to minimize security risks.

$ unset MYSQL_PWD

Alternatively, you can simply define the MYSQL_PWD as prefix to MySQL statement.

$ MYSQL_PWD='mypassword' mysql -u myuser -h localhost


Suppressing the “mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.” warning can be achieved through several methods, each suitable for different use cases. For most scenarios, using a configuration file or login paths provides a balance between convenience and security. Remember, while suppressing warnings, it’s crucial to adhere to best practices for managing and storing credentials to minimize security risks.

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