Apache HTTP server, one of the most widely used web servers globally, is admired for its robustness, simplicity, and flexibility. It allows for comprehensive logging of different types of HTTP requests, which is crucial for maintaining website performance, security, and debugging issues. However, by default, Apache does not log POST data, a common HTTP method used for sending form data to the server.


This article will explain how to log POST request data in Apache HTTP Server, aiding system administrators, developers, and those involved in server maintenance. But first, we need to understand the importance and implications of doing so.

Importance and Considerations

POST requests are vital in any interactive web application, as they’re used to send form data from client to server. Logging these requests can help diagnose issues such as:

  • Application-level problems,
  • Understanding specific requests leading to server errors,
  • Identifying potentially malicious activity.

While logging POST data can be helpful, it’s crucial to remember the implications. POST data may contain sensitive user information, like passwords or personally identifiable information (PII). Logging and storing such data may violate privacy policies and legal regulations (like GDPR), so it should be done judiciously and only when absolutely necessary.

Setting Up POST Request Logging in Apache

To set up POST request logging in Apache, we need to use the `mod_dumpio` module. The `mod_dumpio` module allows for logging of all input and output data, including POST request data. By default, it might not be enabled in your Apache configuration.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Enable mod_dumpio

On Ubuntu, you can enable the `mod_dumpio` module using the following command:

sudo a2enmod dumpio 

On CentOS, the module is generally enabled by default. If not, you can uncomment the following line in the `httpd.conf` file:

Step 2: Configure Apache to Use mod_dumpio

Once you’ve enabled the mod_dumpio module, you need to set up the Apache configuration to use it. Open the Apache configuration file (httpd.conf or apache2.conf depending on your OS) in your preferred text editor.

Add or update the following lines to set the appropriate `LogLevel`, enable `dumpio`, and specify what it should log:

This configuration enables Apache to log all input and output data at the `trace7` logging level, which includes POST data.

Step 3: Restart Apache

After saving your changes, you need to restart Apache for the changes to take effect.

On Ubuntu:

sudo systemctl restart apache2 

On CentOS:

sudo systemctl restart httpd 

Example POST Request and Logging Output

With POST request logging now enabled, if you make a POST request to your server, Apache will log the details of that request. For instance, if you made a POST request with the data `username=JohnDoe&password=12345`, the Apache error log (typically located at `/var/log/apache2/error.log` on Ubuntu or `/var/log/httpd/error_log` on CentOS) would show something like the following:

[Wed Jul 14 23:34:56.789012 2023] [dumpio:trace7] [pid 12345:tid 67890] mod_dumpio.c(63): [client] Mod_dumpio: Input (from client): 47 bytes [Wed Jul 14 23:34:56.789045 2023] [dumpio:trace7] [pid 12345:tid 67890] mod_dumpio.c(63): [client] Mod_dumpio: Input (from client): POST /login HTTP/1.1 [Wed Jul 14 23:34:56.789072 2023] [dumpio:trace7] [pid 12345:tid 67890] mod_dumpio.c(63): [client] Mod_dumpio: Input (from client): Host: www.example.com [Wed Jul 14 23:34:56.789099 2023] [dumpio:trace7] [pid 12345:tid 67890] mod_dumpio.c(63): [client] Mod_dumpio: Input (from client): Content-Length: 36 [Wed Jul 14 23:34:56.789126 2023] [dumpio:trace7] [pid 12345:tid 67890] mod_dumpio.c(63): [client] Mod_dumpio: Input (from client): Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded [Wed Jul 14 23:34:56.789154 2023] [dumpio:trace7] [pid 12345:tid 67890] mod_dumpio.c(63): [client] Mod_dumpio: Input (from client): username=JohnDoe&password=12345

As you can see, the log displays the POST request’s details, including the request method, the URL, the host, the content-length, the content-type, and the POST data.


Logging POST request data in Apache can be an invaluable tool for debugging and understanding your web server’s behavior. However, due to the potential sensitivity of the data involved, it should be used judiciously and responsibly, ensuring the security and privacy of your users’ data.

Always remember to disable this level of detailed logging after you’re done with your debugging process, as it not only risks sensitive data exposure but can also quickly fill up your storage with log data.

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